
Inter-comparison program is a good tool for improving quality and to enhance the accuracy and precision of the
analytical techniques. By participating in this program, laboratories could demonstrate their capability and
ensuring the quality of analysis results generated by analytical laboratories. The Neutron Activation Analysis
(NAA) laboratory at National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN), Nuclear Technology Center for
Materials and Radiometry-PTNBR laboratory participated in inter-comparison tests organized by NAA working
group. Inter-comparison BATAN 2009 was the third inter-laboratory analysis test within that project. The
participating laboratories were asked to analyze for trace elements using neutron activation analysis as the
primary technique. Three materials were distributed to the participants representing foodstuff, and environmental
material samples. Samples were irradiated in rabbit facility of G.A. Siwabessy reactor with neutron flux ~ 1013
n.cm-2.s-1, and counted with HPGe detector of gamma spectrometry. Several trace elements in these samples
were detected. The accuracy and precision evaluation based on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
criteria was applied. In this paper the PTNBR NAA laboratory results is evaluated.
Keywords: inter-comparison, neutron activation analysis, trace elements, foodstuff, environmental samples,
NAA laboratory
analytical techniques. By participating in this program, laboratories could demonstrate their capability and
ensuring the quality of analysis results generated by analytical laboratories. The Neutron Activation Analysis
(NAA) laboratory at National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN), Nuclear Technology Center for
Materials and Radiometry-PTNBR laboratory participated in inter-comparison tests organized by NAA working
group. Inter-comparison BATAN 2009 was the third inter-laboratory analysis test within that project. The
participating laboratories were asked to analyze for trace elements using neutron activation analysis as the
primary technique. Three materials were distributed to the participants representing foodstuff, and environmental
material samples. Samples were irradiated in rabbit facility of G.A. Siwabessy reactor with neutron flux ~ 1013
n.cm-2.s-1, and counted with HPGe detector of gamma spectrometry. Several trace elements in these samples
were detected. The accuracy and precision evaluation based on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
criteria was applied. In this paper the PTNBR NAA laboratory results is evaluated.
Keywords: inter-comparison, neutron activation analysis, trace elements, foodstuff, environmental samples,
NAA laboratory
DOI: 10.17146/gnd.2012.15.1.25
Copyright (c) 2018 GANENDRA Majalah IPTEK Nuklir

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