Pelindian Natrium Zirkonat Menggunakan Asam Klorida Secara Catu

Sajima Sajima



Penelitian tentang teknologi pengolahan zircon terus dilakukan untuk mengikuti kebutuhan industri pasar. Pengolahan natrium zirkonat dengan pelindian menggunakan asam klorida sebagai pelarut telah dilkukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh ukuran butir, temperatur, dan kecepatan pengadukan terhadap zirkon terambil. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memasukkan pelarut (asam klorida 4 N) ke dalam reaktor, kemudian pelarut tersebut dipanaskan sambil diaduk. Umpan dengan ukuran butir tertentu dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor. Kondisi temperatur dan kecepatan pengadukan dijaga tetap. Setelah kondisi operasi tercapai, proses dihentikan kemudian disaring. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis XRF menunjukkan bahwa kondisi proses optimum dicapai pada ukuran butir 90 µm, temperatur 80 oC dan kecepatan pengadukan 200 rpm. Pada kondisi tersebut zirkon terambil sebesar 84.50 %.


Research on zircone processing technology has been continued to follow industrial market needed. Treatment of sodium zirconate with leaching process using hydrochloric acid as solvent has been conducted. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of grain size, temperature, and speed of stirring on the extracted zircon. The research starting with introduced the solvent (chloride acid 4 N) into the reactor, then heated while stirring. The feed with a certain grain size was introduced into the reactor. The temperature and stirring conditions were kept steady. Once the operating conditions are reached, the process is stopped and then filtered. The results with XRF analysis showed that the optimum process conditions were achieved on 90 μm grain size, the temperature of 80oC, and stirring speed of 200 rpm. The amount of zircon that taken out were 84.50% on this conditions.


pelindian; zirkon; temperatur; pengadukan; butiran


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