Kadarisman Kadarisman, Adang HG

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17146/urania.2011.17.1.1108


Unjuk Kerja Generator Radioistop 99Mo/99mTc dengan radioaktivitas 99Mo 600 dan 800 mCi Berbasis PZC. Radioisotop 99mTc mempunyai umur paro pendek (6 jam), pemancar sinar gamma mono-energik (140 KeV), mudah membentuk senyawa komplek dengan berbagai kit, dan tidak memancarkan partikel beta. 99mTc merupakan radionuklida paling ideal untuk diagnosis di bidang kesehatan dibandingkan dengan radionuklida lainnya. Lebih dari 80% diagnosis dengan radioisotop di seluruh dunia dan ada sekitar 9 juta prosedur untuk diagnosis menggunakan radioisotop 99mTc. Beberapa metode pemisahan radioisotop 99mTc dari 99Mo telah dikembangkan dan dikomersialkan di antaranya adalah sistem ekstraksi dengan Metil Etil Keton (MEK), sistem kromatografi kolom alumina dan sistem gel Zr-Mo atau Ti-Mo, tetapi hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Polymer Zirconium Compound (PZC) berkapasitas serap tinggi untuk 99Mo, dapat menggunakan 99Mo hasil reaksi (n,g) yang lebih murah dan hasil radionuklida 99mTc lebih terjangkau, teknologi tidak rumit dan proses relatif sederhana. Akhir-akhir ini, sistem generator 99mTc berbasis PZC telah dipelajari secara mendalam, yang meliputi profil elusi 99mTc menggunakan salin, kapasitas serap PZC terhadap 99Mo, lolosan 99Mo dalam eluat 99mTc, kestabilan PZC. Namun pengembangan tersebut baru menggunakan tingkat radioaktivitas 99Mo relatif rendah (maksimum 272 mCi), sedangkan dalam generator 99mTc minimal harus berisi 300 mCi s/d 1000 mCi 99Mo. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pembuatan kolom Mo-PZC dengan tingkat radioaktivitas tinggi ( 600 dan 800 mCi) dengan menggunakan PZC sebanyak 5,86 dan 4,42 gram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja kolom PZC apabila menggunakan radioaktivitas 99Mo 600 mCi dan 800 mCi. Hasil eksperimen diperoleh radioaktivitas 99mTc 243,86 dan 308,59 mCi dengan lolosan 99Mo masing-masing sebesar 1,87 x 10-2 dan 1,32 x 10-2 mCi 99Mo/mCi 99mTc. Matriks 99Mo-PZC mempunyai ukuran patikel lebih kecil, yaitu berkisar antara 0,456 s/d 0,583 mm, yield 99mTc masing-masing adalah 116,0% dan 56,3%.

Kata kunci : Generator radioisotop 99Mo/99mTc, radioisotop 99Mo, PZC, lolosan 99Mo

The 99Mo/99mTc Radioistope Generator Performance with radioactivity 99Mo 600 and 800 mCi Base on PZC. Radioisotope of 99mTc has half life 6 hours, emit mono-energic gamma ray (140 KeV), easily form complex compound with various kits, and does not emit beta particle. The 99mTc represent ideal radionuclide for diagnosis in health field compared to other radionuclides. More than 80% of the diagnosis in nuclear medicine uses the radionuclide and there are about 9 million procedures for diagnosis all over the world. Some types of generator of 99Mo/99mTc have been developed and commercially used. In the extraction system using Methyl Ethyl Keton (MEK), the produced 99mTc was contaminated MEK, while in chromatography using alumina, the absorbent capacity of alumina for 99Mo is small, and can be used for 99Mo fission product only. Generators using gel of Zr-Mo or Ti-Mo are not reproducible. The generator system developed recently was generator using Polymer Zirconium Compound (PZC) as the adsorbent. PZC have absorbtion capacities for 99Mo, and can be used for 99Mo from (n,g) reaction. The cost of the generator is relatively low, the technology is not complicated and the process is relatively simple. Generator system of 99mTc based on PZC have been studied intensively including elution profile of 99mTc using saline solution, absorbtion capacity of PZC for 99Mo, radionuclide impurities in 99mTc and stability of PZC. However, the radioactivity of 99Mo used is still relatively low (maximum 272 mCi), while in 99Mo/99mTc generator, the radioactivity of 99Mo is in the range of 300 mCi to 1000 mCi 99Mo. In this research, the experiment of generators with high radioactivity of 99Mo (600 up to 800 mCi) was carried out. his research aim to to know performance of the PZC column if using 99Mo radioactivity of 600 mCi and 800 mCi. In this experiment, 99mTc with radioactivity of 243.86 mCi and 308.59 mCi was obtained. The impurity of 99Mo break through were 1.87 x 10-2 and 1.32 x 10-2 mCi 99Mo/ mCi 99mTc. The matrix of 99Mo-PZC have small size, in the range of 0.456 to 0.583 mm, yield of 99mTc are 116,8 % nd 56,3 %.

Key words : 99Mo/99mTc isotope generator, 99Mo isotope, PZC, 99Mo break through.

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