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Darmanto, Prihadi Setyo, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia)
Darwis Isnaini, Muh. (Indonesia)
Davaadorj, Ichinkhorloo, Consultant, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Mongolia)
Deswandri, Deswandri
Dewayatna, Winter (Indonesia)
Dhandhang Purwadi, Mohammad (Indonesia)
Dibyo, Sukmanto, Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety-BATAN (Indonesia)
Dibyo, Sukmanto, Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety, Puspiptek Serpong, Building 80, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Dibyo, Sukmanto
Dibyo, Sukmanto (Indonesia)
Djunaidi, Zulkifli, Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)
Dwi Fianto, Moh. Miftakhul (Indonesia)
Dwiardhika, Dhanu, Center for Data and Information National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia)
Dwijayanto, R. Andika Putra, National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) (Indonesia)
Dwijayanto, R. Andika Putra, National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia)