Dispersia-BRIN: A Radiation Dose Gaussian-Air-Dispersion Calculation Program for Radioactive Releases from a Nuclear Facility

Theo Alvin Ryanto, Jupiter Sitorus Pane, Muhammad Budi Setiawan, Yarianto Sugeng Budi Susilo, Ihda Husnayani, Anik Purwaningsih

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.55981/tdm.2024.7087


The development of the Dispersia-BRIN program, alongside STDISPERSIA WRDISPERSIA, aims to facilitate swift and effective radiological analysis crucial for rapid decision-making during nuclear accidents. These programs are based on the SIMPACT version 1.0 framework, ensuring easy and rapid analysis. Validation against SIMPACT confirms their accuracy and reliability. Python was chosen as the primary programming language for its simplicity and versatility. Dispersia-BRIN integrates geospatial analysis tools, allowing researchers to visualize results on polar grids and effectively map nuclear facilities and their surroundings. The program calculates the dispersion and impact of radioactive materials by analyzing their interaction with humans, livestock, and plants, measured through dose assessment. This process helps identify high-dose areas, critical populations, and emergency planning zones. A case study of a hypothetical Nuclear Power Plant demonstrated Dispersia-BRIN ability to accurately calculate and visualize radionuclide dispersion, aiding in pinpointing high-radiation areas. In conclusion, Dispersia-BRIN provides a comprehensive tool for radiological analysis, supporting informed decision-making for radiation protection and emergency response, thereby ensuring public health and environmental safety. Its user-friendly design and powerful analytical capabilities make it an invaluable resource for addressing radiological hazards

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