Data Visualization in The Human-Machine Interface of Reactor Protection System Simulator

Tulis Jojok Suryono, Nuri Trianti, Sigit Santoso, Sudarno Sudarno, Kiswanta Kiswanta, Restu Maerani, Medila Kusriyanto



Reactor Protection System (RPS) is essential to the functioning of nuclear power plants because it monitors important reactor parameters and triggers automated shutdowns as needed. The human-machine interface (HMI) of the RPS is crucial for giving operators the ability to efficiently monitor, analyze, and react to complicated data. The purpose of this study is to simulate the signal or data flow in the RPS of HTR-10, which is a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) with 10 MWth power. The HMI panels, as well as sensor input data, were generated using Python programming language. The HMI of RPS successfully and comprehensively presents the values of important sensor inputs and their trip setpoints (neutron flux, helium temperature, primary coolant pressure) both on panels and real-time graphs. Moreover, it also shows the reactor status (normal or trip) based on the existence of an initiation trip signal in the RPS. Alarm panels are generated when the reactor is tripped. The RPS simulator can be used for users or operators to understand the functionality of RPS, increase their awareness about the plant status, help them make decisions, and take appropriate actions to mitigate the anomalies.

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