Neutronic Analysis of the RSG-GAS Fuel Using Burnable Poison

Muhammad Ridho, Haryono Budi Santosa, Tukiran Surbakti, Purwadi Purwadi



Control and safety of nuclear reactors are significantly influenced by the determination of safety parameters. The three most crucial safety factors for assessing reactor status are the infinite multiplication factor, reactivity coefficients, and power peaking factor. The objective of the present study is to examine how the RSG-GAS fuel safety parameters behave in a typical reactor operation state. A lattice cell fuel model of the fuel lattice of the RSG-GAS reactor core was modeled using WIMSD-5Bwith cross-section library data based on ENDF/B-VIII.0. The value of the infinite multiplication factor with various burnable poison concentrations, as well as the moderator and fuel temperatures, were the variables that were examined. The reactivity coefficient parameters were similarly analyzed. By comparing the WIMSD-5B code results with information from the SAR document, the WIMS model for RSG-GAS fuel was verified, and it was inferred that the parameters are in good agreement. Safe behavior uses the predicted reactivity coefficient values as an example.

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