Muhammad Budi Setiawan, Pande Made Udiyani



One of the National Research Programs (PRN) in the energy sector of the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology for the period of 2020-2024 is small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear power plant (NPP) assessment. The France’s Flexblue is a PWR-based SMR submerged reactor with a power of 160 MWe. The Flexblue reactor module was built on the ocean site and easily provided the supply of reactor modules, in accordance with the conditions of Indonesia as an archipelagic country. Therefore, it is necessary to know the release of fission products (source term), which is necessary for the study of the radiation safety of a nuclear reactor. This paper aims to examine the source term in normal operating conditions and abnormal normal operating conditions, as well as postulated accidents. Based on the Flexblue reactor core parameter data, the calculation of the reactor core inventory uses the ORIGEN2 software is previously evaluated. The source term calculation uses a mechanistic approach and a graded approach. The normal source term is calculated assuming the presence of impurities on the fuel plate, due to fabrication limitations. Meanwhile, the abnormal source term is postulated in the LOCA event. The core reactor inventory and source term is divided into 8 radionuclide groups which are Noble gasses group (Xe, Kr); Halogen (I); Akali Metal (Cs, Rb); Tellurium Group (Te, Sb, Sc); Barium-Strontium Group (Ba, Sr); Noble Metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Mo, Tc, Co); Lanthanides group (La, Zr, Nd, Eu, Nb, Pm, Pr, Sm, Y, Cm, Am) and Cerium Group (Ce, Pu , Np).

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