Jupiter Sitorus Pane, Pande Made Udiyani, Muhammad Budi Setiawan, Surip Widodo, I Putu Susila



Environmental radiation monitoring is one of the important efforts in protecting society and the environment from radiation hazards, both natural and artificial. The presence of three nuclear research reactors and plans to build a nuclear power plant reactor prompted Indonesia to prepare a radiation monitoring system for safety and security (SPRKK). The goal of the study is to provide an appropriate method for developing radiation monitoring system to support the development of nuclear power plant in the near future.  For this preliminary study, the author developed a code program using Gaussian distribution model approach for predicting radionuclide release and individual dose acceptancy by human being within 16 wind directions sectors and up to 50 km distance. The model includes estimation of source term from the nuclear installation, release of radionuclides source into air following Gaussian diffusion model, some of the release deposit to the land and entering human being through inhalation, direct external exposure, and resuspension, and predicted its accepted individual dose. This model has been widely used in various code program such as SimPact and PC-Cosyma. For this study, the model will be validated using SimPact code program. The model has been successfully developed with less than 5% deviation.   Further study will be done by evaluating the model with real measuring data from research reactor installation and prepare for interfacing with real time radiation data acquisition and monitoring as part of radiation monitoring system during normal and accident condition.

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