Reactor protection systems (RPS) transform process variable signals from the sensors into initiation and actuation signals to trip the reactor if the signal's value exceeds the predefined trip setpoints of the RPS. Information on the current value of the process variables signals and the trip setpoint should be displayed properly on the visual display unit (VDU) in order to maintain the situation awareness of the operators in main control rooms (MCR). In addition, it is also helpful for them to investigate the cause of an accident after the reactor trip and to mitigate the accident based on the appropriate emergency operating procedures. This paper investigates how the information is processed in the RPS of Experimental Power Reactor (EPR) based on high temperature reactor (HTR) technology, and how the information is displayed on the human machine interface (HMI) of the MCR of the EPR. It is conducted by classifying the RPS into three layers based on its components and their functions, followed by the investigation of the type and the information processing in each layer. The results show that the form of the information has been changed throughout the RPS, started from the sensors and until it is displayed on the VDU. The results of the investigation are necessary to understand the concept of RPS, especially for new operators, and to prepare the mitigation actions based on the process variable that cause the reactor trip.
Keywords: Experimental power reactor, Reactor protection system, Human machine interface, Information processing, Situation awareness
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