Epung Saepul Bahrum, Wawan Handiaga, Yudi Setiadi, Henky Wibowo, Prasetyo Basuki, Alan Maulana, Mohamad Basit Febrian, Jupiter Sitorus Pane



One of the results from Plate Type Research Reactor Bandung (PTRRB) research program is PTRRB core design. Previous study on PTRRB has not calculated neutron flux distribution at its central irradiation position (CIP). Distribution of neutron flux at CIP is of high importance especially in radioisotope production. In this study, CIP was modeled as a stack of four to five aluminum tubes (AT), each filled by four aluminum irradiation capsules (AIC). Considering AIC dimension and geometry, there are three possibilities of AT configuration. For irradiation sample, 1.45 gr of molybdenum (Mo) was put into AIC. Neutron flux distribution at Mo sample was calculated using TRIGA MCNP and MCNP software. The calculation was simulated at condition when fresh fuel is loaded into reactor core. Analyses of excess reactivity show that, after installing irradiation AT and Mo sample was put into each configuration, the excess reactivity is less than 10.9 %. The highest calculated thermal neutron flux at Mo sample is 5.08×1013 n/cm2.s at configuration 1. Meanwhile, the highest total neutron flux at Mo sample is located at capsule no. II and III. Thermal neutron flux profile is the same for all configurations. This result will be used as a basic data for PTRRB utilization.

Keywords: Central Irradiation Position, Neutron Flux Distribution, MCNP, PTRRB

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