Amir Hamzah


Dalam rangka menyongsong PLTN pertama di Indonesia, dilakukan kajian dan analisis berbagai aspek teknologi reaktor tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan laju dosis neutron di luar perisai biologik reaktor PLTN PWR 1000 MWe yang merupakan bagian dari kegiatan besar di atas. Data hasil analisis laju dosis radiasi pada posisi tertentu sangat dibutuhkan untuk menunjukkan tingkat paparan radiasi di posisi tersebut. Analisis laju dosis neutron ditentukan berdasarkan hasil analisis fluks dan spektrum neutron. Analisis fluks dan spektrum neutron di teras reaktor daya PWR 1000 Mwe dilakukan menggunakan program MCNP. Model perhitungan yang dilakukan meliputi 9 zona material yaitu, teras, air, selimut, air, tong, air, bejana tekan, beton dan lapisan udara luar. Penentuan distribusi fluks dan spektrum neutron dilakukan ke arah radial hingga di luar perisai beton dengan akurasi antara 10% hingga 30% dalam tiap kelompok energi yang jumlahnya 1 dan 50 kelompok. Hasil analisis laju dosis neutron di permukaan perisai biologik reaktor PLTN PWR 1000 MWe pada kondisi reaktor beroperasi daya penuh sudah di bawah nilai batas keselamatan. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi paparan radiasi neutron, penggunaan perisai radiasi beton setebal dua meter sudah memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan.

Kata kunci: PLTN PWR, fluks neutron, perisai, laju dosis neutron, MCNP.


In order to meet the first nuclear power plant in Indonesia, it has been conducted a study and analysis of various aspects of reactor technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the neutron dose rates at the outside of biological shield of NPP PWR 1000 MWe reactor that is a part of the activities described above. The analysis data of radiation dose rate at a specific position is needed to show the level of radiation exposure in those positions. Analysis neutron dose rate is determined based on the results of the analysis of neutron flux. Analysis of flux and neutron spectrum in the reactor core of 1000 MWe PWR performed using MCNP program. The calculation model performed in 9 zones: reactor core, water, baffle, water, barrel, pressure vessel, concrete and the outside air. Determination of the distribution of neutron flux and spectra made to the radial direction to the outside of concrete shield with an accuracy between 10% to 30% in each energy group of 1 and 50 groups. The analysis results of neutron dose rate at the surface of the reactor biological shield of 1000 MWe PWR reactor at full power condition is lower than safety limit value. In terms of neutron radiation exposure, it can be concluded that the two meter thick concrete radiation shielding meets the safety requirements.


Key words: PWR NPP, neutron flux, shielding, neutron dose rate, MCNP.


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