Antonio Gogo Antonio Gogo Gogo


Dalam rangka menyongsong program pembangunan dan pengembangan pabrikasi bahan bakar
Reaktor Daya Eksperimental RDE (HTGR) maka dipandang perlu melakukan tinjauan terkait uji
pasca iradiasinya di Instalasi Radiometalurgi (IRM). Hasil tinjauan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi
masukan untuk kesiapan IRM melakukan uji pasca iradiasi terhadap bahan bakar RDE jenis
Pebble Bed. Fasilitas uji pasca iradiasi di IRM memungkinkan untuk penyediaan data unjuk kerja
bahan bakar RDE, dengan beberapa hal yang menjadi perhatian, yaitu: penetapan desain kapsul
uji untuk fuel compacts dan pembongkarannya di hot cell, penanganan coated fuel particles di hot
cell dengan sistem vakum, penggunaan kamera dengan pendukungnya yang didesain khusus
untuk coated fuel particles agar pengaruh radiasi gamma seminimal mungkin serta dilengkapi
mekanisme penempatan sampel, gamma spektrometer dengan mekanisme penempatan khusus
coated fuel particles di depan kolimator. Terkait lisensi, alat uji ketahanan fuel compacts (simulasi
kecelakaan) seperti CCCTF atau KÜFA memerlukan hot cell khusus yang dapat dibangun di
basement gedung IRM. Observasi terhadap distribusi produk fisi pada penampang lintang coated
fuel particles dapat dilakukan dengan SEM dan EPMA, yang dirancang khusus untuk material
teriradiasi. Energi dispersif spektroskopi sinar-x atau panjang gelombang dispersif spektroskopi
sinar-x untuk analisis unsur.
Kata kunci: RDE, bahan bakar nuklir pebble bed, uji pasca iradiasi, Instalasi Radiometalurgi.
In order to meet the development program of the Experimental Power Reactor (RDE-HTGR) fuel
fabrication, it is deemed necessary to conduct a review of the post irradiation examination at
Radiometalurgy Installation (RMI). The results of this review are expected to be a suggention for
management of RMI in preparation for the post-irradiation examination of RDE fuels Pebble Bed.
The post-irradiation examination facility enable for the provision of RDE fuel performance data,
with several points of concern: determine of the design of test capsule for fuel compacts and
disassembly in hot cells, handling of coated fuel particles in a hot cell with a vacuum system, use
of the camera with its supporters specially designed for coated fuel particles to minimize the
effect of gamma radiation as well as equipped with sample placement mechanism, gamma
spectrometer with special placement mechanism of coated fuel particles in front of collimator.
Related to the licenses, fuel compacts durability testing devices such as CCCTF or KÜFA
required specic hot cells that can be built in the basement of the IRM building. Observations on
the distribution of fission products at cross sectional coated fuel particles can be done with SEM
and EPMA, specifically designed for irradiated materials. X-ray dispersive energy spectroscopy or
wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopy for elemental analysis.
Keywords: Experimental Power Reactor, pebble bed fuel, post irradiatioan examination,
Radiometallurgy Installation

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