MODEL PERHITUNGAN DISTRIBUSI SUHU SEPANJANG PELAT ELEMEN BAKAR (PEB) U3Si2–Al PADA PENGURANGAN TEBAL DAN WAKTU. Telah dilakukan penghitungan distribusi suhu terhadap PEB U3Si2-Al pada setiap pengurangan tebal dan waktu sampai proses perolan panas selesai menggunakan model matematika hukum fourier. Selama proses perlakukan perolan panas berlangsung panas pada pelat tersebut akan ditransfer keseluruh pelat yang diawali berturut-turut dari ketebalan pelat 8,3 mm, 7,0 mm, 5,6 mm, 2,6 mm and 1,65 mm. Diharapkan dengan adanya rekayasa perhitungan menggunakan transfer panas, namun tetap dalam koridor/kaidah chemical engineering tools, memungkinkan secara dini suhu pada setiap posisi pelat proses perolan panas kelak dapat diketahui. Suhu yang terdistribusi secara homogen dapat membantu dalam mempelajari perilaku serbuk U3Si2 dalam PEB. Data yang dipakai suhu awal proses perolan pelat 40 oC suhu pemanasan pelat dalam tungku 415 oC selama + 30 menit. Hasil perhitungan distribusi suhu pada parameter pengurangan tebal inti elemen bakar (IEB) dan waktu untuk PEB U3Si2–Al hampir merata sepanjang pelat. Suhu pada tiap pengurangan ketebalan dan waktu selisih angka hampir sama.
Kata Kunci: distribusi suhu, PEB U3Si2 – Al, IEB (inti elemen bakar), tebal pelat
MODEL OF CALCULATION TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION ALONG FUEL ELEMENT PLATE (FEP) U3Si2-Al AT DECREASING THICKNESS AND INCREASING TIME. The calculation on temperature of fuel element plate (FEP) U3Si2–Al at every change of position and time until the completion of hot rolling process by using Fourier law mathematical model had been done. During hot rolling process, heat will be transferred throughout the plate beginning respectively from the plate thickness of 8.3 mm, 7.0 mm, 5.6 mm, 2.6 mm and 1.65 mm. It was expected that the engineered calculation by using heat transfer mathematical model, yet complying with the rules of chemical engineering tools, the temperature at any position during hot rolling process could be predicted in advance. Whether or not the predicted temperature was distributed homogenously maight be a help in studying the behavior of U3Si2 powder in the FEP. The calculation used initial given temparature at 40 oC and the furnace temperature was considered steady at 415 oC for + 30 minutes. The result showed that the temperature distribution was practically homogenous along the plate length with decreasing thickness of fuel element core (FEC) . The temperature at decreasing thickness and increasing time intervals indicated similar difference value.
Free Terms: temperature distribution, FEP U3Si2 – Al, FEC (fuel element core), plate thickness
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