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Fasilitas doping silikon di reaktor RSG-GAS belum dapat digunakan untuk iradiasi target silikon sesuai standar. Oleh sebab itu RSG-GAS sedang melakukan persiapan fasilitas tersebut dengan harapan dapat melayani iradiasi target silikon sebagai bahan semi konduktor yang sesuai standar. Sebagai rujukan yaitu fasilitas doping silikon di reaktor FRM II, Munich, Jerman yang telah mampu menghasilkan bahan semi konduktor sebanyak 10 ton semenjak tahun 2008. Persiapan yang dilakukan antara lain untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang persyaratan sebuah fasilitas doping silikon agar dapat menghasilkan bahan semi konduktor yang berkualitas. Informasi diperoleh dengan mempelajari langsung kegiatan iradiasi target silikon di FRM II. Hasil pengamatan menyimpulkan bahwa fasilitas doping silikon RSG-GAS memungkinkan untuk melayani iradiasi silikon dengan syarat posisi iradiasi fasilitas memiliki penyimpangan distribusi fluks netron arah aksial < 5 % dan arah radial < 3 %,  sistem pengendali putaran target, peta posisi profil distribusi fluks netron sebagai fungsi posisi batang kendali reaktor dan memiliki alat ukur resistivitas.


"PREPARATION OF RSG-GAS SILOCON DOPING FACILITY" Silicon doping facility at RSG-GAS has not been able to irradiate silicon target according to standard yet. Therefore RSG-GAS is preparing the facility in the hope that it can serve Si target irradiation for semiconductor materials according to standard. As a reference is silicon doping facility at reactor FRM II, Munich , Germany which has produced semiconductor materials of 10 tons since 2008. The preparations were done among other things to get information about requirements of a silicon doping facility in order to produce semiconductor materials which has a certain quality. The information were obtained by observation of Si irradiation activity at FRM II. The observation results concluded that RSG-GAS silicon doping facility enable to serve the Si irradiation with requirements that irradiation position of the facility has deviation of neutron flux distribution in the axial < 5 % and radial < 3 %, control system of target rotation, profile positions of neutron flux distribution as a function of control rods positions and availability of resistivity measuring device.

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