Nugraha Luhur, Subiharto Subiharto, Suhadi Suhadi, Irwan Irwan



Implementasi pengendalian material pascairadiasi di RSG – GAS. Pemanfaatan pengoperasian RSG – GAS melalui proses aktivasi dengan neutron untuk penelitian, produksi radioisotop, iradiasi batu topaz dan kegiatan lain akan menghasilkan sumber radiasi. Sumber radiasi dari material pascairadiasi dalam berbagai bentuk berupa utilisasi (peralatan) dengan berbagai tingkat paparan radiasi perlu dikendalikan mulai dari pencatatan nama material, jumlah atau volume, nomor identifikasi material, lokasi penempatan, dan informasi radiasi. Implementasi pengendalian material pascairadiasi sangat diperlukan untuk menilai keberhasilan dan kekurangan dalam melakukan pengendalian. Metode penilaian implementasi dilakukan dengan pendataan material pascairadiasi, mengumpulkan data pengendalian daerah kerja dan mengevaluasi tindakan pengendalian yang telah dilakukan. Dari data-data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian material pascairadiasi yang telah dilakukan saat ini baru pada pengendalian berkenaan dengan informasi radiasi. Karena itu diperlukan suatu standar opersional prosedur yang mencakup jenis/nama bahan, jumlah atau volume, nomor identifikasi material, lokasi penempatan juga mengatur tentang proses pemindahan material pascairadiasi yang keluar atau masuk gedung reaktor termasuk jalur yang dipergunakan untuk pemindahan zat radioaktif tersebut. Dengan kajian ini dapat memberikan informasi status dan keberadaan sumber radiasi dari material pascairadiasi tercatat dengan baik dan lengkap dengan informasi yang diperlukan, sehingga dasar pemanfaatan sumber radiasi yaitu justifikasi, limitasi dan optimasi dapat diwujudkan dan pengendalian keselamatan radiasi dapat dilakukan lebih optimal dan prinsip ALARA dapat terpenuhi.


IMPLEMENTATION ON CONTROLLING POST IRRADIATED MATERIAL AT THE G.A. SIWABESSY MULTI PORPOSE REACTOR) RSG-GAS. Implementation on controlling of post irradiated material at RSG-GAS has been done. Utilization of RSG-GAS operation through activating neutron process for research, radioisotope production, irradiating topaz stones and other activities will produce radiation source. Radiation source from post irradiated material appears in many shapes such as equipment with various levels of radiation exposure which need to be controlled starting from recording of material name, amount or volume, material identification number, placement spots and radiation information. Implementation on controlling of post irradiated material is strongly needed to assess the success and the lack of controlling activities. The Implementation assessment method is carried out by collecting data of post irradiated material, collecting data of working area and evaluating of controlling activities which have been done. Based on the achieved data show that controlling of radiation source from post irradiated material which has been done currently is about controlling related to radiation information. Therefore, a standard operational procedure is very needed which includes kind/material name, amount or volume, material identification number, placement spots as well as arranging removal process of radiation source which is in and out of reactor building included the used lane to remove radioactive substance. The result of this implementation assessment can inform the status and the presence of radiation source from post irradiated material with well  noted and completed with needed information, so that basic utilization of radiation source which are justification, limitation and optimization can be created as well as controlling of radiation safety can be done more optimally and the principles of ALARA can be fulfilled.

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