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PENYIMPANAN LESTARI LIMBAH TENORM DARI INDUSTRI MINYAK DAN GAS BUMI. Limbah Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurred Radioactive Materials (TENORM) yang berasal dari industri/pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi, wajib dikelola agar tidak mencemari lingkungan dan membahayakan masyarakat. Tahapan pengelolaan yang harus dilakukan meliputi inventarisasi, identifikasi, pengangkutan, on-site dan atau off-site treatment, pewadahan, penyimpanan sementara dan penyimpanan lestari. Dalam makalah ini hanya akan dibahas tentang penyimpanan lestari limbah TENORM. Arahan International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) dan pengalaman dari beberapa negara maju dalam penyimpanan lestari limbah TENORM bisa dikaji untuk dikembangkan dan diterapkan di Indonesia. Dengan hasil kajian tersebut maka diharapkan masalah penyimpanan limbah TENORM dapat ditangani dengan baik, yang dilandasi dengan karakterisasi tapak, desain pewadahan, fasilitas disposal dan pengkajian keselamatan yang memadai. Dengan konsep yang optimal maka bisa diterapkan di masa mendatang untuk mendukung program industri nasional yang menjamin keselamatan masyarakat dan lingkungan.

DISPOSAL FOR TENORM WASTE FROM OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY. Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurred Radioactive Materials (TENORM) waste, mainly originated from petroleum industry/mining, must be managed to protect the environment and the public from contamination and damage. The steps of the management of TENORM waste include identification, inventory, transport, on-site and or off-site treatment, packaging, storage and disposal. This paper would only explain about disposal for TENORM waste. IAEA recommendation and the experiences of TENORM waste disposal from various advance countries could be assessed to be developed and applied in Indonesia. For this reason there is needed an effort to solve the problem in Indonesia by an appropriate disposal system development which suitable with the wastes and the sites. Based on the results of the study, the problem of waste emplacement could be solved well, based on site characterization, package design, disposal and an appropriate safety assessment. Finally, by finding the optimum concept could be applied in the future to support the national industry program which assure the public and environmental safety.

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