Duyeh Setiawan, Titin Sri Mulyati



Radioisotop skandium-47 (47Sc) memiliki waktu paruh 3,35 hari, pemancar energi beta, Eβmax 0,441 MeV (68 %) dan 0,601 MeV (32 %), serta pemancar energi gamma, Eγ 159 keV (68 %). Radioisotop 47Sc dihasilkan oleh iradiasi neutron cepat dari target titanium berdasarkan reaksi inti 47Ti (n, p) 47Sc. Metode pemisahan 47Sc menggunakan cara kromatografi kolom dengan matriks Dowex AG 50W-x4 dalam bentuk kation (H+), selanjutnya 47Sc dielusi dengan HCl 4 M. Radioisotop 47Sc digunakan dalam bidang kedokteran nuklir untuk radioterapi dengan metode pencitraan. Karakteristik fisiko-kimia suatu sediaan radioisotop mempunyai peranan penting dalam penyebaran dan penimbunan di dalam tubuh. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjamin keberhasilan penggunaan sediaan radioisotop 47Sc perlu dilakukan analisis fisiko-kimia yang meliputi kejernihan, pH, kemurnian radionuklida dan radiokimia serta stabilitasnya pada penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa radio-isotop 47Sc berupa larutan jernih dengan rumus kimia 47Sccl3, memiliki pH 2, konsentrasi radioaktivitas 1,086 ± 0,0314 mCi/mL, aktivitas jenis 2,60 mCi/mg Ti (End of Irradiation = EOI), kemurnian radionuklida lebih dari 98,5 %, kemurnian radiokimia 95,22 ± 0,83 % dan masih stabil selama 5 hari disimpan di temperatur kamar. Radioisotop 47Sc yang diperoleh memiliki karakteristik fisiko-kimia untuk digunakan dalam pengembangan radiofarmaka sebagai sediaan radioterapi.


PREPARATION AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF RADIOISOTOPE SCANDIUM-47 (47Sc) FROM NATURAL TITANIUM OXIDE MATERIAL TARGET. Radioisotopes scandium-47 (47Sc) has a half-life of 3.35 day, the energy beta transmitter Eβmax of 0.441 MeV (68 %) and 0.601 MeV (32 %), as well as gamma energy transmitter, Eγ 159 keV (68 %). Radioisotope 47Sc is produced by fast neutron irradiation of the titanium targets based on nuclear reaction 47Ti (n,p) 47Sc. Separation methods of 47Sc was done using chromatography column with a matrix of Dowex AG 50W-x4 in a cation (H+) form, and 47Sc was eluted with 4 M HCl. Radioisotope 47Sc is used in nuclear medicine for radiotherapy with imaging methods. The physico-chemical characteristics of a radioisotope has an important role in the biodistribution and bioaccumulation in the body. Therefore, in order to assure the success of usage of radioisotope 47Sc, of physico-chemical characteristic is need to be analyzed which includes clarity of solution, pH, purity of radionuclide and radiochemical, stability in the storage. The results showed that the radioisotope 47Sc was a clear solution with a chemical formula of 47ScCl3, has pH of 2 with the concentration of radioactivity 1,086 ± 0,0314 mCi/mL, specific activity of 2.60 mCi/mg Ti (End of Irradiation = EOI), the radionuclide purity more than 98.50 %, radiochemical purity 95,22 ± 0,83 % and  stable after 5 days storage in room temperature. Radioisotope 47Sc that was produced has the ideal physico-chemical characteristics and can be used for the radiopharmaceutical development especially for radiotherapy.


47Sc; titanium oksida; radiofarmaka; radioterapi


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