Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia

Title: Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Materials Science)
ISSN: 1411-1098 (print), 2614-087X (online)
Subject: Materials Science & Engineering
Frequency: Six monthly, 7 articles in one issue since October 2020
Language: English since 2019
Indexed at: Google Scholar, SINTA, InaSTI, Crossref, IPI, Microsoft Academic, IAEA-INIS, BASE
Archive preservation:
Center for Science & Technology of Advanced Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia

Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, JUSAMI) [p-ISSN 1411-1098 | e-ISSN 2614-087X] is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant and important research from all areas of material science and engineering. We accept submissions from all over the world. Our Editorial Board members are prominent and active international researchers in science and engineering fields who ensure efficient, fair, and constructive peer-reviewed processes. All articles will be indexed by Google Scholar, SINTA, InaSTI, Crossref, IPI, Microsoft Academic, IAEA-INIS, BASE, and will also be indexed by DOAJ and Scopus in the near future so as to provide maximum exposure to the article. Due to improvement on our journal quality, JUSAMI publish six monthly issue since October 2020.

All accepted articles will be published on a free-processing charge and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.


Journal Homepage Image


It was announced that on December 1, 2022, the submission and editorial process will be carried out on the new domain at:
so that the candidate authors are expected to submit on the new domain starting from that date.
For manuscripts submitted before that date, the editorial process will be carried out on the old domain and accepted manuscripts will be published on the new domain.

Posted: 2022-11-09
1.JUSAMI publish six monthly issue since October 2020 for improving the journal quality.
2.The template of JUSAMI will be modified since October 2021. Please see the attached template on website
3.Authors of manuscript cannot be changed after submission process is finished.
Posted: 2021-09-16

Authors are invited to submit electronically their manuscript through journal website. The submitted paper should follow the format available on the Author Guidelines.

The scopes of accepted papers are:

  • Material science and engineering
  • Technological innovations and applications in industry based on materials such as polymers, ceramics, composites, metals or metal alloys, which are related to mechanical, magnetic, physical, dielectric or electronic properties (superconductivity, semiconductivity, superionic conductivity, etc.) with discussion includes: 
    • synthesis, modification and development of methods
    • testing and characterization
    • simulation and modeling
    • nuclear engineering and its application in material science, etc.

Online submission and publication in JUSAMI will be charged at no cost.

Posted: 2019-05-21
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