Keefektifan Pelaksanaan Program Proteksi Radiasi di Unit Kerja
Saat ini aplikasi teknologi nuklir telah dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Aplikasi tersebut telah memberikan keuntungan kepada umat manusia. Walaupun demikian, sifat energi nuklir juga mempunyai potensi bahaya radiasi, sehingga setiap kegiatan yang terkait dengan pemakaian teknologi nuklir harus dikontrol secara memadai. Untuk mengendalikan aktivitas tersebut, Komite Intemasional untuk Proteksi Radiasi (International Committee on Radiological Protection, ICRP) merekomendasikan suatu sistem proteksi radiasi yang didasarkan pada tiga prinsip utama, yaitu: justifikasi, optimisasi dan limitasi dosis. Rekomendasi tersebut dapat diterapkan melalui beberapa tataran (level), seperti peraturan, manajemen dan operasional. Untuk maksud pelaksanaan tataran manajemen dan operasional, Badan Tenaga Atom Intemasional (International Atomic Energy Agenqy, IAEA) memperkenalkan suatu Program Proteksi Radiasi yang mencakup beberapa elemen. Tulisan ini akan memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana mengevaluasi keefektifan suatu Program Proteksi Radiasi (RPP) di suatu unit kerja. Pelaksanaan evaluasi dapat dilakukan berdasarkan rekord dosis individu pekerja radiasi ataupun melalui pengamatan pada berbagai pelaksanaan elemen-elemen RPP. Tujuan utama dari evaluasi ini adalah untuk lebih meningkatkan keefektifan pelaksanaan suatu RPP.
The application of nuclear technology had been used in various types of field at the moment. The application of the technology has given many advantages to human being. However, due to the nature of nuclear energy, which also has radiation hazards, it is imperative that every activity, which is related to nuclear energy as well as nuclear technology, be controlled appropriately. To control such activity, The International Committee on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends a system of radiation protection based on three major principles (Publication 60); i.e. justification, optimization, and dose limitation. The recommendations can be applied at several levels in order to control the hazards from radiation. These levels are regulatory, management and operational. For the purpose of management and operational level, IAEA introduce a Radiation Protection Program (RPP)-which covers some elements. This paper will describe on how to evaluate the effectiveness of the program applied in the certain unit. The evaluation can be carried out based on the radiation individual dose record of the employees as well as observation on the implementation of RPP's elements. The main objective of the evaluation is to improve the effectiveness of implemented RPP.
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