Bambang G Susanto

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17146/urania.2008.14.4.2572



KAJIAN KESELAMATAN KRITIKALITAS PADA RANCANGAN TANGKI V-401 UNTUK MENAMPUNG LARUTAN URANIL NITRAT (UN) DIPERKAYA U235 SAMPAI 5%. Telah dilakukan kajian keselamatan kritikalitas padarancangan tangki V-401 untuk mengetahui apakah tangki penyimpan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk menampung larutan uranil nitrat diperkaya U235 sampai 5%. Dengan menggunakan program Monte Carlo Code Neutron Particle (MCNP) versi 4.C untuk tangki V-401, diperoleh harga Keff sebesar 0.98657 bila ketinggian cairan UN mencapai 120 cm. Harga Keff mencapai 1.01101 bila ketinggian cairan UN pada posisi 130 cm. Harga Keff akan semakin besar yaitu 1.15679 bila keinggian cairan UN mencapai 330 cm (batas kapasitas penuh). Desain tangki V-401 tidak aman secara geometri karena volume dan diameter tangki terlalu besar.  Namun demikian, kalau racun netron gelas raschig ring borosilikat dimasukkan (mengisi hampir 1/3 volume tangki) hasil analysis menunjukkan harga Keff = 0.030 untuk ketinggian cairan UN  330 cm. Harga Keff akan tetap konstan di sekitar harga 0.030 untuk berbagai variasi koordinat sumber netron.Tangki V-401 tetap dapat digunakan walaupun tidak aman secara geometri, jika diisi dengan racun netron dari gelas raschig ring borosilikat, untuk menurunkan harga Keff <1.

Katakunci: kritikalitas, keselamatan, uranium diperkaya


CRITICALITY SAFETY ASSESSMENT ON THE DESIGN OF TANK V-401 TO ACCUMULATE THE URANYL NITRATE SOLUTION ENRICHED U235 UP TO 5%. The criticality safety assessment has been conducted to tank of V-401 to know wether the tank can accumulate the uranyl nitrate solution enriched U235 up to 5%. By using Monte Carlo Code Neutron Particle (MCNP) program version 4C for tank V-401, is obtained the value of Keff 0.98657 when the height of fluid of UN reach up to 120 cms. The value of Keff would be 1,01101 when the height of UN fluid at the position of 130 cms. The value of Keff will reach up to 1,15679 when the height of UN fluid has reached the position 330 cms (full capacity limit).  Tank design V-401 is not safe geometrically because volume and tank diameter were too large. However, if neutron poison of glass raschig borosilicate ring is filled to the tank (fills approximately 1/3 tank volume) the result of analysis shows the value of Keff = 0.030 at the UN fluid position 330 cms. The value of Keff would constantly be around value of 0.030 for various coordinates source of neutron. The tank V-401 still can be utilized eventhough is not safe geometrically, if the tank is filled with neutron poison of glass raschig borosilicate ring to reduce the value of Keff <1.

Keywords: criticality, safety, enriched uranium

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