PENGARUH WAKTU PEMANASAN TERHADAP REGANGAN KISI DAN KONDUKTIVITAS PADUAN ZIRKONIUM. Paduan zirkonium atau zirkaloy-4 diperoleh dari Pusat Elemen Bahan Nuklir. Zirkaloy-4 dilakukan perlakuan panas pada temperatur 300 oC dan 500 oC dengan lamanya pemanasan mulai 0 sampai 8 jam, kemudian di dinginkan secara cepat pada air bebas mineral. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian struktur kristal paduan zirkonium dengan difraksi sinar-x dan konduktivitas listrik dengan teknik LCR. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa lama waktu perlakuan panas terhadap zirkaloy-4 dapat mempengaruhi konduktivitas listrik dan kapasitansinya. Konduktivitas listrik zirkaloy-4 naik dan kapasitansi berkurang seiring dengan lama waktu perlakuan panas. Struktur kristal zirkaloy-4 mempunyai struktur heksagonal tumpukan padat (HCP). Ukuran butiran zirkaloy-4 naik seiring dengan lamanya perlakuan panas. Regangan kisi zirkaloy-4 menurun seiring dengan lamanya waktu pemanasan.
Kata kunci:Zirkaloy, termal, difraksi sinar-x, konduktivitas.
INFLUENCE OF HEATING TIME ON THE ZIRCALLOY AGAINTS LATTICE STRAIN AND CONDUCTIVITY OF ZIRCALLOY. Zirconium alloy or zircalloy-4 was gotten from Nuclear Material Element Centre. The zircalloy-4 had been done heat threatment at the temperature 300 oC and 500 oC with it long heating at begin 0 to 8 hours, then quenching in the demineral water. The observation of zircalloy-4 had been done with x-ray diffraction and conductivity of electric test by XRD and LCR. The result of experiment to showed that time of heat treathment on zircalloy-4 can be influence electric conductivity and it capacitance. Electirc conductivity of zircalloy-4 was increasing with increasing in time heating. Capasitance of zircalloy-4 was decreased with increasing in time heating The profile by diffraction of zircalloy-4 show the crystall structure was hexagonal closed packet (HCP). The size grain of zircalloy-4 was increased with increasing of time heat threatment. The strain of zircalloy-4 was decreased with increasing of time heat threatment.
Key words: Zircalloy, themal,x-ray diffraction, conductivity.
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Penerbit: Pusat Riset Teknologi Bahan Nuklir dan Limbah Radioaktif
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