The Study of Mechanical Failure in Helical Steam Generator of Nuclear Power Reactor

Muhammad Subhan, Topan Setiadipura, Mohammad Dhandhang Purwadi, Muksin Aji Setiawan, Tresna Priyana Soemardi, Ario Sunar Baskoro, Cecep Slamet Abadi, Evi Latifah, Nafisah Amalia, Yusi Amalia Renaningtyas



This research examines mechanical damage in helical steam generators, focusing on the causes, contributing factors, and impact of damage on the performance of the steam generator (SG). The research methodology involves analyzing various data sources, including scientific literature and previous nuclear industry experiences. The analysis results indicate that mechanical damage in helical SGs can be caused by factors such as thermal stress, pressure fluctuations, material wear, and design errors. Volumetric defects and leaks at pipe joints or welds are also potential issues. This study provides important insights into failure mechanisms and highlights the importance of routine maintenance and inspection to prevent more serious failures. With a better understanding of these issues, innovative solutions can be found to improve the performance and safety of helical steam generators in nuclear reactors.

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