Dewi Nur Riskiana, Anis Rohanda, R. Farzand Abdullatif, I Wayan Ngarayana



 Nuclear fission reactions produce a lot of radionuclides that release energy, one of which is in the form of gamma radiation. Gamma radiation is produced by various types of radionuclides, and nuclear reactor fuel will produce different values of gamma intensity. Uranium Molybdenum (U7Mo-Al) is the type of nuclear fuel for future research reactors that possesses many advantages. For the application of molybdenum-based fuel, it is necessary to determine the resulting gamma radiation. The purpose is to determine the gamma radiation produced from molybdenum-based fuel with various densities. This study begins with the determination of the mass composition of the reactor component, calculations with ORIGEN2.1, and data output analysis. The U7Mo-Al density was varied, namely 2.96 gU/cm3, 3.85 gU/cm3, 4.44 gU/cm3, 5.43 gU/cm3, 6.91 gU/cm3, and 8.29 gU/cm3. The gamma radiation yield of U7Mo-Al is lower than that of uranium silicide (U3Si2) with the same density of 2.96 gU/cm3. The result will add to the justification for the superiority of U7Mo-Al compared to U3Si2/Al. For U7Mo-Al with densities of 3.85 gU/cm3, 4.44 gU/cm3, 5.43 gU/cm3, 6.91 gU/cm3, and 8.29 gU/cm3, the one that produced the lowest gamma radiation intensity is 3.85 gU/cm3 while the highest is 8.29 gU/cm3. This explains that the intensity of the gamma radiation produced is directly proportional to the fuel density. The low intensity of gamma radiation in molybdenum-based fuel can be used as a suggestion in shielding design to ensure the operational safety of reactors.



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