Jonny Haratua Panggabean, Santo Paulus Rajagukguk, Syaiful Bakhri



A thorium-fueled benchmark comparison was made in this study between state-of-the-art codes, WIMSD-5B code to MOCUP (MCNP4B + ORIGEN2), and CASMO-4 for burnup calculations as part of efforts to examine the possible benefits of using thorium in PWR fuel. WIMSD-5B calculations employ the same model as a reference, MOCUP, and CASMO, however, there are some variances in methodology and cross-section libraries. On a PWR pin cell model, eigenvalue and isotope concentrations were examined up to high burnup. The eigenvalue comparison as a function of burnup is good, with a maximum difference of less than 5% and an average absolute difference of less than 1%. The isotope concentration comparisons outperform a set of ThO2-UO2 fuel benchmarks and are comparable to a set of uranium fuel benchmarks previously published in the literature. As a function, the eigenvalue comparison The actinide and fission product data sources for a typical thorium fuel are reported in the WIMSD-5B burnup calculations. The reasons for discrepancies in coding are examined and explored.

Keywords: Thorium, PWR Fuel, Burn up, Pin Cell, WIMSD-5B  


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