Endiah Puji Hastuti, Iman Kuntoro, Suwoto Suwoto, Syarip Syarip, Prasetyo Basuki, Tukiran Surbakti, Geni Rina Sunaryo, Sudarmono Sudarmono



Currently, Indonesia through BATAN is operating three research reactors, namely the RSG-GAS reactor with the power of 30 MWt at Puspiptek south Tangerang (the first criticality in 1987), the TRIGA 2000 reactor with the power of 2 MW in Bandung which the first criticality in 1965 with the power of 250 kW, was increased to 1 MW in 1971, and further upgraded to 2 MW in 2000. Beside that, there is Kartini reactor with a power of 100 kW located in Yogyakarta (first criticality in 1979). These reactors are quite old, and in accordance with Bapeten regulations, have carried out the first periodic safety review, to obtain a reactor license for the next 10 years of operation. In line with this, one of BATAN's current national research programs is to increase the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, where reactors play a very important role in the production of certain isotopes. In tracing the data obtained from operational reports related to irradiation requests from reactor users, namely PTRR, PSTNT, and PT INUKI for radioisotope production, which has been carried out in the last 5 years, May 2015 until 25 August 2020, show that the irradiation request at RSG-GAS is still not optimal. In term of the utilization of RSG-GAS, it can still be optimized, which in this case needs to be balanced with post-irradiation processing capabilities. Meanwhile, from the results of tracing and data collection, it can be shown that at this time the reactors are still operating. The utilization activities of the reactors complement each other according to their age and facilities.

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