Wahid Luthfi, Surian Pinem



The mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuel (MOX/UO2) is an interesting fuel for future power reactors. This is due to the large amount of plutonium that can be processed from spent fuel of nuclear plants or from plutonium weapons. MOX/UO2 fuel is very flexible to be applied in thermal reactors such as PWR and it is more economical than UO2 fuel. However, due to the different nature of neutron interactions of MOX in PWR, it will change the reactor core design parameters and also its safety characteristic. The purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of SRAC2006 code system in generation of cross-sections and calculation of reactor core design parameters such as criticality, reactivity of control rods and radial power distribution. In this study, PWR MOX/UO2 Core Transient Benchmark is used to verify the code that models a MOX/UO2 fueled core. SRAC-CITATION result is different from DeCART by 0.339% from. SRAC-CITATION result of single rod worth in All Rods Out (ARO) conditions are quite good with a maximum difference of 6.34% compared to BARS code and 4.74% compared to PARCS code. In All Rods In (ARI) condition, SRAC-CITATION results compared to the PARCS code is quite good where the maximum difference is 9.72%, but compared to BARS code, it spikes up to 33.24% at maximum difference. In the other case, overall radial power density results are quite good compared to the reference. Its maximum deviation from DeCART code is 5.325% in ARO condition and 6.234% in ARI condition. Based on the results of these calculations, SRAC code system can be used to generate cross-section and to calculate some neutronic parameters. Hence, it can be used to evaluate the neutronic parameters of the MOX/UO2 PWR core design.

Keywords: MOX/UO2 fuel, Criticality, Power peaking factor, SRAC2006

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