R. Andika Putra Dwijayanto, Dedy Prasetyo Hermawan



Molten salt reactor (MSR) is often associated with thorium fuel cycle, thanks to its excellent neutron economy and online reprocessing capability. However, since 233U, the fissile used in pure thorium fuel cycle, is not commercially available, the MSR must be started with other fissile nuclides. Different fissile yields different inherent safety characteristics, and thus must be assessed accordingly. This paper investigates the inherent safety aspects of one fluid MSR (OF-MSR) using various fissile fuel, namely low-enriched uranium (LEU), reactor grade plutonium (RGPu), and reactor grade plutonium + minor actinides (PuMA). The calculation was performed using MCNPX2.6.0 programme with ENDF/B-VII library. Parameters assessed are temperature coefficient of reactivity (TCR) and void coefficient of reactivity (VCR). The result shows that TCR for LEU, RGPu, and PuMA are -3.13 pcm, -2.02 pcm and -1.79 pcm, respectively. Meanwhile, the VCR is negative only for LEU, whilst RGPu and PuMA suffer from positive void reactivity. Therefore, for the OF-MSR design used in this study, LEU is the only safe option as OF-MSR starting fuel.

Keywords: MSR, Temperature coefficient of reactivity, Void coefficient of reactivity, Low enriched uranium, Reactor grade plutonium, Minor actinides

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