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PRA RANCANGAN PEMANTAUAN RADIASI DAN KONTAMINASI UDARA DI RUANG KOMPAKSI DI PTLR. Instalasi Pengolahan Umbah Radioaktif (PTLR) merupakan instalasi pengolahan limbah radioaktif yang berasal dari berbagai instalasi pengguna iptek nuklir. Desain PTLR telah dirancang sesuai dengan standar keselamatan, sehingga tidak akan menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap ruangan daerah kerja maupun lingkungan. Walaupun demikian perlu dilakukan pengukuran untuk mengetahui seberapa besar paparan radiasi dan kontaminasi di udara di ruangan kerja sebelum tercemar ke pekerja. Dalam hal ini akan dilakukan prarancangan peralatan di daerah ruang kompaksi. Pengukuran kontaminasi menggunakan pompa pengisap, yang dihubungkan melalui pipa paralon menggunakan filter sedangkan untuk mengukur papa ran radiasi menggunakan dosimetri termoluminisens. Tujuan penelitian int untuk
melakukan prarancangan perala tan pengukur ra
diasi untuk mengetahui paparan radiasi dan kontaminasi udara di ruangan kerja kompaksi untuk menunjang keselamatan pekerja di PTLR.


A PRE DESIGN OF MONITORING FOR RADIATION AND AIR CONTAMINATION IN COMPACTION ROOM OF RWI. The Radioactive Waste Installation (RWI) is a center for processing of radioactive waste coming from various installation applying nuclear science and technology. The RWI has been designed as according to safety standard, so that it will not generate negative impact to the working area and also to the environment. However some measurement should be conducted to know how big of radiation dose and contamination on the air in working area before exposure to the worker. In this case, we will conduct equipments pre design in working area of compaction. Measurement of the contamination uses vacuum pump connected through pipeline using filter while to measure the exposure of radiation uses thermoluminiscence dosimeter. The aim of this research is to have pre design the equipments of radiation counter to know exposure of radiation and contamination air in working area compaction to support safety of worker in installation of PTLR .


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