Zainus Salimin, Endang Nuraeni


FENOMENA BIOSORPSI KHROMIUM PADA EXTRACELLULAR POLYMERIC SUBSTANCE TERIMOBILISASI BALAM MATRIKS POLIMER EPOKSI. Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS) dihasilkan oleh sel bakteri yang berkomposisi polisakarida 40-95%, protein 1-60%, asam nukleat 1-10%, lipida 1-10%, dan sisanya polimer. EPS dapat mengikat kation dan anion pengotor air karena EPS mengandung gugus fungsional karboksilat, fosfat, sulfat, hidroksil, dan aminokarboksilat. Limbah cair yang mengandung logam khrom ditimbulkan dari kegiatan industri, dalam larutan kromium valensi 3 berbentuk kation (Cr 3+ ) dan kromium valensi 6 berbentuk anoin (Cr2O7 -2 ). Penelitian penggunaan EPS terimobilisasi pada matriks polimer epoksi untuk penyerapan chromium telah dilakukan. EPS telah diekstraksi dari lumpur aktif hasil pengolahan limbah industry, dan berdasarkan hasil analisisnya mengandung polisakarida 60%, protein 8%, dan asam nukleat 16%. Melalui analisis FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) menunjukkan bahwa EPS hasil ekstraksi mengandung gugus fungsional karboksilat, hidroksil dan aminokarboksilat. EPS diimobilisasi dalam polimer epoksi pada rasio epoksi dan hardener 1:1, dan epoksi polimer dan EPS 5,7:1 menghasilkan butiran biosorben EPS-Epoksi 30-40 mesh atau 0,42-0,59 mm. Larutan khromium 15,9 ppm dialirkan melewati 1 bed kolom tinggi 5 cm yang berisi 2 g biosorben EPS-Epoksi. Variabel percobaan adalah pH larutan 5, 6 dan 7 dan laju alir 3, 5, dan 7 ml/menit. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pH 5 dan laju alir 5 ml/menit memberikan harga terbaik persen penyerapan kromium sebesar 89,2 % atau konsentrasi kromium tertinggal pada beningan sebesar 1,718 ppm. Kapasitas penyerapan kromium oleh biosorben EPS-Epoksi pada kondisi optimum adalah 6,382 mg Cr/g biosorben. Pada pH 5 terdapat pembentukan kutub muatan positif pada biosorben yang menarik anion kromium, sedangkan kation kromium masuk ke biosorben melalui mekanisme pertukaran ion. Laju alir 3 ml/menit memberikan periode kontak maksimum antara biosorben dan kromium. Fenomena biosorpsi khromium pada biosorben EPS-Epoksi sebagai fungsi pH diuraikan dalam makalah ini. PHENOMENA OF BIOSORPTION CHROMIUM ON EXTRACELLULAR POLYMERIC SUBSTANCE IMMOBILIZED IN A POLYMER EPOXY MATRIX. Extracelluler Polymeric Substance (EPS) is resulted by bacterial cells compossing the polysaccharides 40-95 %, protein 1- 60 %, nucleic acids 1-10 %, lipid 1-10%, and polymer as the remaining content. The EPS can bind the cations and anions water pollutants supporting by its functional group contents of carboxylates, phosphoric, sulfuric, hydroxil, and aminocarboxylates. Waste water containing chromium metal generated from industrial activities, 3 valency of chromium in solution form of the cation and 6 valency form of the anoin. The study of utilization of immobilized EPS on epoxy polymer for removing of chromium has been performed. The EPS was extracted from the activated sludge of industrial skin waste treatment, and according to its analysis the resulted EPS contains of polysaccharides 60 %, protein 8 % and nucleid acid 16 %. By Fourier Transform Infra Red Analysis Method (FTIR), it is indicated that the resulted EPS has the functional groups of carboxylates, hydroxyl, and aminocarboxylates. The EPS was immobilized with epoxy polimer on the ratio of epoxy and hardener of 1 : 1 and epoxy polymer and EPS 5,7 : 1, the resulted grain size of EPS Epoxy is about 30-40 mesh or 0,42 – 0,59 mm. The chromium solution of 15,9 ppm was channeled through the adsorbtion buret column of 5 cm bed height containing 2 g of biosoben EPS-Epoxy. The experiment variables are solution pH of 5,6 and 7 and flow rates of 3, 5, and 7 ml/min. On the condition of pH 5 and flow rate 3 ml/min gives the best percentage of chromium absorption 89,2% Zainus Salimin, Endang Nuraeni: Fenomena Biosorpsi Khromium pada Extracellular PolymericSubstance Terimobilisasi dalam Matriks Polimer Epoksi 132 or the chromium concentration on the water supernatant of 1,718 ppm. On the pH 5 there is formation of positif charge pole attracting the anion of chromium, the cation of chromium attaches into biosorben by ion exchange mechanism. The flow rate of 3 ml/min gives the maximum contact period between biosorben and chromium. The biosorption phenomena of chromium by EPS-Epoxy as the function of

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