Sungkono ., Kartika Sari, Nani Yuliani



PENGARUH DEFORMASI DINGIN TERHADAP KARAKTER PADUAN Zr-0,3%Mo-0,5%Fe-0,5%Cr PASCA PERLAKUAN PANAS. Logam paduan Zr-Mo-Fe-Cr dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan material kelongsong yang mempunyai sifat mekanik, fisis, dan ketahanan korosi tinggi dalam lingkungan iradiasi di reaktor nuklir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan pengaruh deformasi dingin terhadap karakter paduan Zr-0,3%Mo-0,5%Fe-0,5%Cr pasca perlakuan panas. Metode yang digunakan meliputi pengamatan mikrostruktur dengan mikroskop optik, kekerasan dengan microhardness vickers tester, dan komposisi kimia dengan XRF. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paduan Zr-0,3%Mo-0,5%Fe-0,5%Cr pasca perlakuan panas 650-750 ºC dan waktu penahanan 1 jam mengalami retak pada pengerolan dingin dengan reduksi 5-15%, sedangkan pasca perlakuan panas 650-750 ºC dan waktu penahanan 1,5-2 jam mampu menerima reduksi tebal 5-15% tanpa retak. Kekerasan paduan Zr-0,3%Mo-0,5%Fe-0,5%Cr pasca perlakuan panas 650-750 °C semakin tinggi seiring dengan semakin besarnya deformasi dingin yang diterapkan. Komposisi Mo dalam paduan Zr-Mo-Fe-Cr pasca perlakuan panas (750 ºC, 1 jam) dan pengerolan dingin (r = 15%) adalah 0,2508% berat atau 83,60% dari teoritis. Karakteristik paduan yaitu mikrostruktur, kekerasan dan komposisi kimia dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan panas dan deformasi dingin.


KATA KUNCI: Paduan Zr-0,3%Mo-0,5%Fe-0,5%Cr, perlakuan panas, deformasi dingin, mikrostruktur, kekerasan, komposisi kimia.


EFFECTS OF COLD DEFORMATION ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF Zr-0.3%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr ALLOY AFTER HEAT TREATMENT. Zr-Mo-Fe-Cr alloy is developed to obtain a cladding material that possesses high mechanical, physical and corrosion resistant properties that can withstand irradiation in the nuclear reactor. The objective of this research is to study the effects of cold deformation on the characteristics of Zr-0.3%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy after heat treatment. The methods employed included microstructure observation using optical microscope, hardness using microhardness Vickers tester, and chemical composition using XRF. The results of this research show that the Zr-0.3%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy after heat treatment at 650 -750°C and soaking time of 1 hour experienced cracking during cold rolling with reductions of 5-15%, whereas the alloys after heat treatment at 650 - 750°C and soaking time of 1.5-2 hours sustained thickness reductions of 5-15% without cracking. The hardness of Zr-0.3%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloys after heat treatment at 650-750°C became higher with larger applied cold deformation on the alloy. The composition of Mo in Zr-0.3%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy following heat treatment (750°C, 1 hour) and cold rolling (r = 15%) is 0.2508 wt%, or theoretically 83.60%. In general, the characteristics of the Zr-Mo-Fe-Cr alloy, i.e. microstructure, hardness, and chemical composition, are found to be affected by heat treatment and cold deformation.

FREE TERMS: Zr-0.3%Mo-0.5%Fe-0.5%Cr alloy, heat treatment, cold deformation, microstructure, hardness, chemical composition.

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