Triani Widyaningrum, Mr Triyanto, Endang Sarmini, Umi Nur Sholikhah, Sunarhadijoso Soenarjo

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17146/jstni.2015.16.1.2353



KARAKTERISTIK PEMISAHAN RADIOLUTESIUM- 177/177mLu DAN RADIOITERBIUM-169/175Yb PADA KOLOM RESIN LN-EICHROM. Radiolutesium-177Lu keradioaktifan jenis tinggi merupakan salah satu radiolantanida yang banyak digunakan untuk menangani berbagai kasus kanker, namun di Indonesia penggunaan radiofarmaka bertanda 177Lu belum dapat dijanjikan karena teknik produksi radioisotop primernya belum dikuasai. Prospek produksi 177Lu melalui reaksi inti 176Yb (n,g) 177Yb* à 177Lu* + βdipelajari melalui metode pemisahan matrik 177/177mLu-169/175Yb/176Yb dalam sistem kromatografi kolom resin LN-Eichrom. Profil fraksinasi dan karakteristik pemisahan dipelajari dengan pemeriksaan keradioaktifan dan analisis spektro-metri-g terhadap hasil elusi larutan sasaran pasca iradiasi. Bahan sasaran digunakan 176Yb2O3 alam dan 176Lu2O3 diperkaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa radiolutesium-177/177mLu dapat dipisahkan dari matrik radioiterbium-169/175Yb/natYb melalui sistem kromatografi kolom dengan fase diam resin LN-Eichrom dan fase gerak larutan HNO3, dengan konsentrasi antara 1,5 – 4 M untuk mendapatkan pemisahan yang efektif, selektif dan kuantitatif. Reaksi inti 176Yb(n,g) 177Yb* à 177Lu + β merupakan model reaksi inti yang perlu dipertimbangkan walau-pun harus melibatkan tahapan pemisahan produk 177Lu dari matrik sasaran Yb pasca iradiasi. Prosedur pemisahan yang dilakukan masih perlu diperbaiki melalui pemilihan jenis dan konsentrasi fase gerak pengelusi yang lebih tepat.



SEPARATION CHARACTERISTIC OF RADIOLUTETIUM-177/177mLu AND RADIOY-TTERBIUM-169/175Yb ON LN-EICHROM RESIN COLUMN. High specific activity radiolutetium-177Lu is one of radiolanthanides that is widely used to handle variety of cancer cases, but in Indonesia the use of 177Lu-labeled-radiopharmaceutical can not be promised yet as the primary radioisotope production techniques have not been mastered.  The  prospect of 177Lu production based on the nuclear reaction of 176Yb (n,g) 177Yb * ® 177Lu * + β in the BATAN’s G.A. Siwabessy reactor was learned through the separation characteristics of 177/177mLu-169/175Yb /176Yb process matrices in the LN-Eichrom resin column chromatography. The separation and fractionation profiles were characterized by radioactivity measurement as well as g-spectrometric analysis of the eluting post-irradiated target solution. The target materials used were natural 176Yb2O3 and enriched 176Lu2O3. The results showed that radiolutetium-177/177mLu can be separated from the radioiterbium-169/175Yb/natYb matrix by column chromatography system with a stationary phase of LN-Eichrom resin using HNO3 solution as the mobile phase, but the concentration of HNO3 used is a critical variable, between 1.5 - 4 M, to obtain an effective separation selectively and quantitatively. The nuclear reaction of 176Yb (n,g) 177Yb* ® 177Lu + βusing natural Yb2O3 is considered to be better, although it must involve 177Lu product separation stage from the post-irradiated natural Yb target matrix. The presented separation procedure still needs to be improved through the selection of the type and the concentration of the mobile phase used to gain more appropriate elution solvent.


Radiolutesium-177/177mLu; Radioiterbium-169/175Yb; Resin LN-Eichrom; Reaksi inti 176Yb (n,) 177Yb* 177Lu* + β–; Reaksi inti 176Lu (n,) 177Lu; 176Yb (n,) 177Yb* 177Lu* + β– nuclear reaction; 176Lu (n,) 177Lu nuclear reaction;


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Copyright (c) 2015 Triani Widyaningrum, Mr Triyanto, Endang Sarmini, Umi Nur Sholikhah, Sunarhadijoso Soenarjo

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