Priyanto Mudo Joyosukarto, Nurlaila Nurlaila




ANALISIS KINERJA OPERASI PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA NUKLIR TIPE LWR DI JEPANG. Suatu analisis telah dilakukan terhadap data kinerja operasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) LWR di Jepang selama kurun waktu beberapa tahun terakhir. Analisis tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh gambaran keunggulan kinerja operasi PLTN LWR di Jepang, khususnya dibanding PLTN sejenis di berbagai negara maju, sekaligus mengambil manfaat dari pengalaman Jepang di dalam memanfaatkan energi nuklir sebagai sumber energi listrik yang aman, andal, kompetitif, dan ramah lingkungan. Analisis dilakukan terhadap tiga aspek operasi PLTN yaitu teknis, ekonomi, dan lingkungan, yang mencakup beberapa parameter kinerja operasi, antara lain: faktor kapasitas, tingkat pemadaman paksa, jumlah insiden dan kegagalan, biaya produksi listrik, serta produksi limbah radioaktif padat, dan emisi gas C02. Selanjutnya dilakukan perbandingan faktor kapasitas dan scram rate PLTN yang beroperasi di berbagai negara maju. Pencapaian faktor kapasitas di atas 75% dan scram rate di bawah 0,6 per reaktor-tahun, menunjukkan keunggulan PLTN LWR Jepang dibanding PLTN serupa di beberapa negara maju termasuk PLTN HWR di Kanada yang menerapkan “on-load refuelling". PLTN juga telah membuktikan sebagai pembangkit listrik termurah (9 Yen/kWh), dan telah pula berperan penting di dalam upaya pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca, khususnya C02. Kinerja yang tinggi ini dipandang sebagai bukti empiris teruji dari teknologi PLTN LWR Jepang yang merupakan hasil implementasi yang konsisten dari "Program Perbaikan dan Standardisasi LWR" yang dimulai tahun 1975. Hasil analisis ini dapat menjadi masukan berguna bagi pemerintah Indonesia atau berbagai pihak terkait yang berperan melakukan penilaian terhadap berbagai teknologi PLTN yang saat ini tersedia di pasar global sebagai persiapan introduksi PLTN di Indonesia.



ANALYSIS ON THE OPERATION PERFORMANCE OF THE JAPANESE LWR TYPE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. An analysis has been conducted on the operation performance of the Japanese LWR-type Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) during the last several years. This analysis is intended to draw the general profile of the excellency of the Japanese LWR-type NPPs especially in comparison with the plants being operated in another advanced countries, as well as to take advantage from the Japanese experiences in utilizing nuclear energy as a safe, reliable, competitive, and environmentally benign electricity energy sources. Analysis is started from three operation aspects, i.e. technical, economic, and environment, which covers the following performance parameters, i.e. capacity factor, scram rate, incident/failure, generation cost, as well as solid radioactive waste and C02 gas production. Additionally, this performance is compared with the NPPs being operated in other advanced countries in term of capacity factor and scram rate. The achievement of capacity factor more than 75% and scram rate less than 0.6 per reactor-year shows that Japanese LWR NPP performance surpasses those from the other advanced countries, even the Canadian PHWR CANDU which incorporates on-load refueling. Nuclear energy yields the cheapest electricity generation cost (9 Yen/kWh), besides contributing significant role in the reduction of C02. This performance achievement is recognized as the proven empirical evidence for the excellency of Japanese NPP technology which has been resulted from the consistent implementation of the “LWR Improvement & Standardization Program” started in 1975. The result of this analysis might become a valuable input to the Government of Indonesia and to the other related parties which might get involved in selecting the NPP technology currently available in the global market prior to the NPPs introduction in Indonesia.

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