Arnold Y. Soetrisnanto, Farid Kresna, Mochamad Nasrullah




PENGGUNAAN PROGRAM DECADES UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK DENGAN MEMPERTIMBANGKAN FAKTOR EKSTERNALITAS. Dalam menghadapi tuntutan untuk peningkatan penerapan sistem energi yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan (sustainable development), maka penentuan opsi sistem energi diharapkan dapat menjawab isu tersebut. Oleh karena itu pemilihan teknologi energi perlu didasari atas pertimbangan lingkungan. Program Perencanaan Energi dan Listrik DECADES (Data Bases and Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation) merupakan Program Perencanaan Sistem Kelistrikan yang komprehensif. Tujuan program tersebut untuk merencanakan dan merancang strategi penyediaan energi listrik atas dasar penentuan strategi pemilihan sumber daya energi (optimal solution) dengan memperhitungkan batasan-batasan lingkungan yang ketat sampai ke permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat serta pertimbangan externalitas (external cost) agar tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan dapat dicapai. Program ini dibuat dalam format Paradox for Windows dengan basis data yang terdiri atas: RTDB - (Reference Technology Data Base), CSDB (Country Specific Data Base), VSDB - (Vendor Specific Data Base), TOXDB (Toxicology Data Base) dan HEIES (Health and Environmental Impact of Energy System). Seluruh data yang ada dioptimasi dengan modul perencanaan kelistrikan DECPAC dengan mengevaluasi faktor teknik, ekonomi dan lingkungan termasuk ekstemalitas (biaya eksternal) untuk berbagai sistim pembangkitan kelistrikan.



POWER GENERATING DEVELOPMENT USING DECADE PROGRAM WITH EXTERNALITIES FACTOR TAKING INTO ACCOUNT. The complexity facing today's energy planners and decision-makers, particularly in electricity sector, has increased. They must take into account many elements in selecting technologies and strategies that will impact near term energy development and applications in their countries. While cost remain a key factor, tradeoffs between the demand of environmental protection and economic development will have to be made. This fact, together with the needs of many countries to define their energy and electricity programs in a sustainable manner, has resulted in a growing interest in the applications of improved data, tools, and techniques for comparative assessment of different electricity generation options. Particularly from an environmental and a human health point view. The program on Data Bases and Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation, in short DECADES was developed. For DECADES the types of technology databases were developed using PARADOX format are: RTDB - (Reference Technology Data Bases), CSDB (Country Specific Data Base), VSDB - (Vendor Specific Data Base), TOXDB (Toxicology Data Base) and HEIES (Health and Environmental Impact of Energy System). These data will be used in analytical software (DECPAC) for evaluating the always existing tradeoffs between technical, economic, and environmental features including externalities (external cost) of different electricity generation technologies.

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