Sunarko Sunarko, Sri Hariani Sjarief, Eddy Murdjito, Imam Hamzah




PERKIRAAN DESAIN BASIS CURAH HUJAN DI SEMENANJUNG MURIA. Nilai desain basis diperlukan dalam memperhitungkan aspek kesalamatan PLTN. Perhitungan telah dilakukan terhadap parameter meteorologi curah hujan. Data curah hujan diperoleh dari stasiun pemantauan milik Departemen Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah dan PTPN IX untuk daerah Bangsri, Beji, Jatisari, keling dan Jepara. Data curah hujan maksimum dalam periode 24 jam memiliki unit mm/hari. Pada studi terdahulu, konsultan Newjec menggunakan data dari stasiun Ujung Watu dengan periode pemantauan selama kurang dari 2 tahun. Pada perhitungan ini digunakan paling sedikit data selama 19 tahun. Data diolah menggunakan dua pendekatan: statistik dan numerik, menggunakan persamaan Gumbel (Generalized Extreme Value distrbutions-GEV Type I). Dari data diperoleh rerata curah hujan sebesar 248 mm/hari (metode numerik) dan 258 mm/hari (metode statistik) perioda pengulangan (return period) 50 tahun.



PRECIPITATION DESIGN BASIS CALCULATION FOR MURIA PENINSULA. Design basis value is required as a requirement in the nuclear power plant safety analysis. Calculation was done for precipitation. Data was gathered from location close to the area e.g. in Bangsri, Beji, Jatisari, Keling, and Jepara, all within Muria peninsula, from the Department of Settlement and Region Infrastructure and PTPN IX, a state owned plantation. Maximum 24 hour precipitation data was gathered in the unit of mm/day. In previous study by Newjec consultant, data was obtained from Ujung Watu station covering less than 2 year period of observation. In this paper, the data includes at least 19 years of data. Analysis was done using two approaches: statistic and numeric, using Gumbel distribution function (Generalized Extreme Value distribution - GEV Type I). Average precipitation for 50 years of return period are 248 mm/day and 258 mm/day using the numeric and statistic approach respectively.

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