Siti Alimah, Bandi Parapak




STUDI TEKNOLOGI INTAKE UNTUK PENDINGIN KONDENSOR DAN INSTALASI DESALINASI PADA PLTN. Telah dilakukan studi teknologi intake untuk pendingin kondensor dan instalasi desalinasi untuk memasok kebutuhan air pada PLTN. Teknologi intake mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting untuk memasok kebutuhan air dari laut. Ada dua jenis intake air laut untuk pendingin kondensor dan instalasi desalinasi yaitu surfaces intake dan subsurface intake. Kedua teknologi tersebut mempunyai keunggulan masing-masing. Teknologi surfaces intake terdiri dari dua sistem yaitu traveling water screen dan passive screen, sedangkan subsurface intake terdiri dari tiga sistem yaitu sumur pantai, infiltration gallery dan seabed filtration. Teknologi intake yang baik menjamin stabilitas kualitas dan kuantitas pasokan air umpan, yang merupakan faktor penting dalam memperbaiki efisiensi proses dan keandalan keseluruhan instalasi, dengan dampak ekologi minimum. Dampak ekologi yang perlu dipertimbangkan yaitu impingement dan entrainment. Untuk PLTN kelas 1000 MWe yang direncanakan dibangun di Ujung Lemah Abang Jepara, jenis traveling water screen dapat menjadi pilihan karena sesuai dengan persyaratan kecepatan dan arah aliran, serta memenuhi kuantitas pasokan air. Jenis travelling water screen dapat mengurangi dampak ekologi impingement 80-90%, namun tidak mengurangi entrainment dari telur dan larva dari berbagai macam organisme laut.

Kata kunci: teknologi intake, air proses, desalinasi, PLTN



STUDY OF INTAKE TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CONDENSOR COOLANT AND DESALINATION PLANT OF NPP. Study of intake technology for condenser coolant and desalination plant to supply amount of water required in NPP has been carried out. Intake technology had a momentously role in supplying amount of water required from the sea. There were two types of seawater intake for condenser coolant and desalination plant namely surfaces intake and subsurface intake. Both technology have their own superiority. Surface intake technology consist of two system which include traveling water screen and passive screen, meanwhile subsurface intake technology consists of three system, namely beach well, infiltration gallery and seabed filtration. A good performance of intake technology will secure quality and quantity stability of feedwater supply, which have been an important factor to improve process efficiency and reliability of plant overall, with minimum ecology impact. Ecology impact that need to be considered were impingement and entrainment. For the class 1000 MWe NPP that has been designate to be built at Ujung Lemah Abang, Jepara, type of traveling water screen system could be a better choice due to the conformity with velocity, flow direction and water supply quantity requirement. Traveling water screen type could reduced 80-90% impingement ecology impact, but didn’t reduce entrainment of egg and larva of variety oceanic organism.

Keywords: intake technology, process water, desalination, NPP

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