Karakteristika dan Khasiat Daun Keladi Tikus (Typhonium divaricatum (L.) Decne) Iradiasi

Ermin Katrin, Fahrul Nizar Novagusda, . Susanto, Hendig Winarno

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17146/jair.2012.8.1.492


Keladi Tikus (Typhonium divaricatum (L.) Decne), Araceae, merupakan salah satutanaman Indonesia yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker. Teknik pengawetansimplisia obat herbal menggunakan iradiasi gamma telah lama digunakan untukmemperpanjang masa simpan, namun baru sedikit data-data ilmiah yang mempelajaripengaruh iradiasi terhadap khasiat simplisia tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan iradiasiterhadap simplisia daun keladi tikus dengan dosis 0, 5, 7,5, 10 dan 15 kGy, kemudiandilanjutkan dengan maserasi setiap sampel daun keladi tikus dengan n-heksan, etil asetat danetanol berturut-turut. Pengaruh iradiasi gamma dipelajari melalui uji aktivitas inhibisi selleukemia L1210 terhadap ekstrak, fraksinasi secara kromatografi kolom, KLT, KCKT danspektrofotometri. Hasil uji sitotoksisitas terhadap sel leukemia L1210 menunjukan bahwaekstrak etil asetat paling aktif berpotensi sebagai antikanker nilai IC50 11,81 μg/mL. Hasilfraksinasi ekstrak etil asetat dengan kromatografi kolom diperoleh 6 fraksi. Fraksi 2merupakan fraksi paling aktif dengan nilai IC50 terendah 4,14 μg/mL. Iradiasi gamma hinggadosis 15 kGy menurunkan aktivitas sitotoksik fraksi 2 terhadap pertumbuhan sel leukemiaL1210, namun masih dalam batas aktif (nilai IC50 ≤ 20 μg/mL) sebagai inhibitor terhadappertumbuhan leukemia L1210. Berdasarkan data sitotoksisitas, profil KLT, spektrum UV-VISdan KCKT antara kontrol dengan sampel yang diradiasi menunjukkan bahwa dosismaksimum untuk iradiasi daun keladi tikus adalah 7,5 kGy.

Keladi Tikus (Typhonium divaricatum (L.) Decne), Araceae, is one ofIndonesia plants that can inhibit cancer cell growth. Preservation techniques of herbalmedicine using gamma irradiation has long been used to prolong shelf life, but only a littlescientific data that study the effect of irradiation on the properties of them. In this studyirradiation of keladi tikus leaves with a dose of 0, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 kGy, followed bymaceration of each with n-hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol, respectively. Effects of gammairradiation were studied by testing the inhibitory activity against the L1210 leukemia cell forthe extracts, fractionation by column chromatography, analysis by TLC, spectrophotometerand HPLC. The result of cytotoxicity test against L1210 leukemia cells showed that the ethylacetate extract of the most active potential as anticancer IC50 value respectively 11.81 μg/ml.Result of fractionation of ethyl acetate extract were obtained by column chromatography with6 fractions. Fraction 2 was the most active fraction with the lowest IC50 value of 4.14 μg/ml. Gamma irradiation dose of 15 kGy reduced the cytotoxic activity of fraction 2 against L1210leukemia cells, but still within the active potent (IC50 values ≤ 20 μg/ml) as an inhibitor to thegrowth of leukemia L1210. Based on the cytotoxicity data, profiles of TLC, UV-VIS spectrumand HPLC between control and irradiated samples showed that the maximum dose forirradiation of keladi tikus leaves was 7.5 kGy.

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