Heru Sri Wahyuni, Suryantoro Suryantoro, Giyatm Giyatmi


PENGARUH LIMBAH KARBON AKTIF Cs-137 TERHADAP KERAPATAN DAN KUAT TEKAN BETON LIMBAH. Telah dilakukan optimasi perbandingan limbah karbon aktif : semen terhadap uji kerapatan dan kuat tekan hasil imobilisasi karbon aktif – semen. Ukuran butir karbon aktif yang digunakan adalah –40/+50 sampai –60/+70 mesh. Variasi kandungan limbah antara 10 – 90 % berat, dengan dimensi 46 mm diameter dan 50 mm tinggi. Uji kualitas hasil imobilisasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan cara Paul Weber, sedangkan densitas ditentukan dengan cara menimbang dan mengukur volume sample. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh ukuran butir limbah karbon aktif terhadap kerapatan dan kuat tekan, sehingga diperoleh ratio komposisi matriks dan limbah yang optimal. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa hasil optimal diperoleh pada saat kandungan limbah 50 % berat dengan ukuran butir -50/+60 mesh. Hasil uji tekan menunjukkan densitas optimal adalah 1,7543 g/cm3 dengan kuat tekan 24 N/mm2.

The EFFECT OF spent activated carbon Cs-137 TO the density and compression strength of cemented waste. Optimation of spent activated carbon: cement ratio to density and compression strength test of cemented – activated carbon immobilization result has been done. Used particle size of activated carbon was -40/50+ to -60/70+ mesh. Waste contain were varied to 10 – 90 % weight with dimension 46 mm (dia) and 50 mm (h). Quality test of immobilization results were done by using Paul Weber method, while their densities were determined by weighing and volume measurement of sample. Objective of the experiment is to study the effect of particle size activated carbon waste to the density and compression strength, so the optimum ratio of matrix composition and waste loading have been obtained. The result showed that optimum results were obtained on 50 % weight of waste contain with particle size -50/60+ mesh. Compressive strength test result indicated that optimum density was 1.7543 g/cm3 with compressive strength 25 N/mm2.

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