Husen Zamroni, Endang Nuraeni, Jaka Rachmadetin


PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH RADIOAKTIF CAIR PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA NUKLIR 1000 MW. Kebanyakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) menyediakan tempat sistem pengumpulan dan penyimpanan limbah untuk menangani limbah selama operasi reaktor. Bermacam teknik dan teknologi reduksi volume diterapkan dengan baik pada PLTN. Limbah radioaktif cair yang dilepas ke lingkungan harus sangat rendah dan lebih rendah dari batas yang ditentukan oleh badan regulasi. Limbah cair diolah dengan cara evaporasi, penukar ion, membarn dan pengendapan selanjutnya konsentrat disimpan dalam penyimpanan sementara. Sludge limbah radioaktif dikumpukan dalam tangki koleksi, tangki sedimen dan sumpit. Konsentrat evaporator bersama dengan resin bekas dari pengolah pendingin reaktor di simpan dalam tangki stainless steel dalam gedung bantu. LIQUID RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT AT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1000 MW. Most of the NPP generally were provided with waste collection and storage systems to accommodate lifetime arising of NPP operation. Source reduction techniques and technologies are well known and implemented to varying degrees at most nuclear plants. Liquid radioactive releases into the environment were to be kept very low, generally significantly lower than regulatory guidelines. Liquid waste was treated by evaporation, ion exchanger, membrane reverse osmosis and precipitacion furthermore concentrates were stored at the interim storage. Radioactive sludges exist mainly in drain collection and sedimentation tanks or sumps. The evaporator concentrates, together with spent ion exchange resins from coolant treatment, were planned to be stored in stainless steel tanks in the auxiliary buildings

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