Tukiran Surbakti, Surian Pinem, Lily Suparlina



Analysis of the control rod insertion is important as it is closely related to reactor safety. Previously, the analysis has been carried out in RSG-GAS during static condition, not as a function of the fuel fraction. The RSG-GAS reactor in one cycle is a function of the fuel burn-up. It is necessary to analyze RSG-GAS core reactivity insertion as a function of the fuel burn-up to determine the behavior of the reactor, especially in uncontrolled operations such as continuous pulling of control rods. This analysis is carried out by the computer simulation method using WIMSD-5B and MTR-DYN codes, by observing power behavior as a function of time due to neutron chain reactions in the reactor core. Calculations are performed using point kinetics equation, and the feedback effect will be evaluated using static power coefficient and fuel burn-up function. Analyzes were performed for the core configuration of the core no. 99, by lifting the control rod or inserting positive reactivity to the core. The calculation results show that with the reactivity insertion of 0.5% Δk/k at start-up power of 1 W and 1 MW, safety limit is not exceeded either at the beginning, middle, or end of the cycle. The maximum temperature of the fuel is 135°C while the safety limit is 180°C. The margin from the safety limit is large, and therefore fuel damage is not possible when power excursion were to occur.

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