Pande Made Udiyani, Ihda Husnayani, Mohamad Budi Setiawan, Sri Kuntjoro, Hery Adrial, Amir Hamzah



The design process of Experimental Power Reactor (Reaktor Daya Eksperimental/RDE) has been carried out by BATAN for the last five years, adopting HTGR-type reactor with thermal power of 10 MW. RDE is designed with the reference of similar reactor, namely HTR-10. During this process, source term estimation is required to prove the safety of RDE design, as well as to fulfill the concept of As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) in radiation protection. The source term is affected by the magnitude of the radioactive substances released from the reactor core due to an accident. Conservative accident postulations on the RDE are water ingress and depressurization accidents. Based on these postulations, source term estimation was performed. It follows the mechanistic source term flow, with conservative assumptions for the radioactive release of fuel into the coolant, reactor building, and finally discharged into the environment. Assumptions for the calculation are taken from conservative removable parameters.The result of source term calculation due to the water ingress accident for Xe-133 noble gas is 8.97E+12 Bq, Cs-137 is 3.59E+07 Bq, and I-131 is 4.34E+10 Bq. As for depressurization accident, the source term activity for Xe-133 is 3.90E+13Bq, Cs-137 is 1.56E+07 Bq, and I-131 is 1.89E+10Bq. The source term calculation results obtained in this work shows a higher number compared to the HTR-10 source term used as a reference. The difference is possibly due to the differences in reactor inventory calculations and the more conservative assumptions for source term calculation.

Keywords: RDE, HTGR, Radioactive, Source term, accident

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