S. N. Rokhman, Andang Widiharto, Kusnanto Kusnanto


Telah dilakukan analisis terhadap performa neutronik bahan bakar garam lebur LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4 pada Small Mobile-Molten Salt Reactor (SM-MSR). Penyesuaian konfigurasi teras dan temperatur operasi harus dilakukan untuk penggunaan bahan bakar baru tersebut agar mencapai keff > 1 dan CR (conversion ratio) > 1 pada fraksi 0,5% 233U, 20% 232Th, 28% Li, 51,5% Be. Setelah didapat nilai keff ≈ 1 dan CR ≈ 1, dilakukan analisis pengaruh perubahan Th terhadap Be dan Be terhadap Li yang terlihat dalam perubahan parameter keff dan CR. Setelah itu fraksi 233U divariasi antara 0,5–0,46% untuk memperoleh keff > 1 dan CR > 1. Dalam perhitungan koefisien reaktifitas temperatur (αT), temperatur teras dinaikkan sebesar +25K dan +50K., dan untuk koefisien reaktifitas void (αV), densitas bahan bakar dikurangi hingga 90%. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa pengurangan Th terhadap Be menyebabkan penurunan nilai CR dan naiknya keff akibat berkurangnya material fertil. Sebaliknya penambahan Be terhadap Li mengakibatkan terjadi kenaikan nilai keff dan menurunkan CR, akibat laju serapan Li lebih besar dari Be. Pada 5 (lima) fraksi 233U dalam rentang 0,5–0,49%, hasil perhitungan keff dan CR masing-masing bervariasi dalam rentang 1,00001 - 1,00327 dan 1,00016 - 1,00731. Untuk faktor puncak daya (PPF), hasil perhitungan memberikan nilai dalam rentang 2,4311 -2,4714. Sedangkan untuk parameter keselamatan, koefisien reaktivitas temperatur (αT) dan reaktivitas void (αV) masingmasing bernilai negatif dalam rentang 4,972×10-5 - 5,909×10-5 dan 2,596×10-2- 2,8287×10-2k/k/K. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teras SM-MSR memberikan nilai negatif di kedua koefisien reaktivitas tersebut untuk setiap fraksi,, sehingga memenuhi kriteria keselamatan dan keselamatan melekat.

Kata kunci: SM-MSR (small mobile-molten salt reactor), bahan bakar LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4, keselamatan melekat, koefisien reaktivitas temperatur, koefisien reaktivitas void


The analysis of neutronic performance has been carried out for the molten salt fuel LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4 on a Small Mobile-Molten Salt Reactor (SM-SMR). The core configurations and operating temperature should be adjusted in using the new fuel in order to get the calculated keff and CR (conversion ratio) are > 1 in the fraction of 0.5% 233U, 20% 232Th, 28% Li, 51.5% Be. After obtained that keff and CR close to 1, then the analysis of changes in the Th to Be and Be to Li are carried out, it indicates the changes of keff and CR. Then the 233U fraction is varied between 0.5–0.46% to obtain the condition keff > 1 and CR > 1. To determine the temperature coefficient of reactivity (αT),the temperature of core is changed about +25K dan +50K. To determine the void reactivity coefficient (αV), fuel density is reduced to 90%. The result shows that the reduction of Th causes the decrease of CR and increase of keff due to the number fertile material is less. The addition of Be to Li will make the keff is increase and the CR is decrease, because the macroscopic absorption cross section of Li is greater than Be. From the five 233U composition in the ranges 0.5–0.46%, the calculated keff and CR varies in the range of 1.00001 – 1.00327 and 1.00016 – 1.00731, respectively. For power peaking factor (PPF), the calculation results give the value in the range of 2.4311 - 2.4714. However, for the safety parameters, the negative temperature reactivity coefficient (αT) and negative void reactivity CR (αV) in the range of 4.972×10-5 – 5.909×10-5 and 2.596×10-2 - 2,8287×10-2 k/k/K, respectively. It can be concluded that the SM-MSR core has negative value for those reactivity for all fractions, so the core fulfill the safety criteria and inherent safety.


Keywords: small mobile molten salt reactor (SM-MSR), LiF-BeF2-ThF4-UF4 fuel, inherent safety, temperature coefficient reactivity, void coefficient reactivity.


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