Sugeng Rianto Rianto, Dedy Haryadi Haryadi, Triarjo Triarjo


ABSTRAK - Telah dilakukan rancang bangun sistem kendali suhu tungku kalsinasi KR-260E untuk proses kalsinasi kernel UO2. Rancang bangun sistem kendali suhu dilakukan untuk mengganti modul kendali lama yang telah rusak.Modul kontroller kendali suhu yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan proses kalsinasi kernel UO2 yaitu dengan sistem pemanasan secara bertahap. Kontroller mampu menyimpan 30 pola program pemanasan dan tiap program dapat berisi hingga 10 langkah operasi. Uji fungsi sistem kendali suhu tungku kalsinasi KR-260E dilakukan pada kondisi tanpa beban dan dilakukan secara bertahap dengan pertimbangan kondisi pemanas yang baru.  Tahapan uji fungsi dilakukan pada suhu 200ºC, 300ºC, 450ºC dan 600ºC dengan setting laju pemanasan (ramp) 250ºC/jam, suhu ditahan selama 1 jam dan ramp menurunan 250ºC/jam. Pada pemanasan suhu 200ºC didapat deviasi suhu 2,7ºC, suhu 300ºC deviasi suhu 1,3ºC, suhu 450ºC overshoot sebesar 9,8 oC dan deviasi suhu rata-rata 0,2337ºC, serta pada suhu 600ºC overshoot sebesar 10,3 oC dan deviasi suhu rata-rata 5,0453ºC. Hasil uji fungsi ini menunjukkan tungku bisa berfungsi untuk operasi kalsinasi kernel UO2.


Kata Kunci: rancang bangun, sistem kendali, unit kalsinasi KR-260E.


ABSTRACT- The temperature control system of calcination furnace KR-260E  has been design for calcination process UO2 kernel. The design of the temperature control system is to replace the old damaged control module. The temperature controller of control module used is adjusted to kernel UO2 calcination proces with a gradual heating system. The controller is capable of storing 30 heating program patterns and each program can contain up to 10 steps of operation. The functional system test of the  calcination furnace KR-260E temperature control system is carried out under no load conditions and is carried out gradually with consideration of the new heating conditions. The functional testing stage is at 200ºC, 300ºC, 450ºC and 600ºC with a 250ºC/hour heating ramp setting, 1 hour temperature soaking and the ramp decreasing to 250ºC/hour. The deviation at 200ºC deviation is 2,7ºC was obtained, at 300ºC the temperature deviation is 1.3ºC, at 450ºC was obtained overshoot is 9.8oC and the mean temperature deviation is 0.2337C, and at 600ºC obtained an overshoot is 10,3°C and an average temperature deviation is 5.0453°C. The result of this function test indicates that the furnace can function for kernel UO2 calcination operation.


Key words: Design, Control System, Calcination Unit KR-260E.

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