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PENGARUH PROSES QUENCHING TERHADAP LAJU KOROSI BAHAN BAKAR PADUAN UZr. Percobaan untuk mempelajari pengaruh proses quenching terhadap sifat korosi bahan bakar UZr telah dilakukan. Proses quenching akan mempengaruhi sifat korosi dari paduan UZr, yang ditunjukkan oleh perubahan berat sebelum dan sesudah paduan UZr tersebut diberikan perlakuan quenching dan korosi. Mula-mula dibuat paduan UZr dengan komposisi Zr masing-masing sebesar 2, 6, 10, 14 dan 55% menggunakan tungku peleburan busur listrik. Sebagian paduan UZr hasil peleburan diberi perlakuan quenching dan sebagian lagi langsung diuji korosi dalam media uap air pada temperatur 100 °C, tekanan 1 atmosfir selama 140 jam. Pengujian korosi dilakukan di dalam pemanas yang dilengkapi sistem refluks. Setelah uji korosi, sampel paduan UZr ditimbang untuk mengetahui perubahan berat akibat proses quenching. Dari hasil penimbangan berat sampel, diketahui bahwa hampir semua paduan UZr yang tidak mengalami perlakuan quenching mempunyai laju korosi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan paduan UZr yang diberi perlakuan quenching, kecuali pada 2% Zr. Pada sampel yang tidak mengalami perlakuan quenching, laju korosi menurun dengan peningkatan kandungan Zr. Pada komposisi 2% Zr, laju korosi mencapai 2,94 mg/jam, dan naik menjadi 0,206 mg/jam pada komposisi 6% Zr. Untuk sampel yang diberi perlakuan quenching, kecenderungan yang terjadi sama yakni laju korosi berkurang dengan pertambahan kandungan Zr. Pada komposisi 2% Zr, laju korosi sebesar 2,94 mg/jam, dan naik menjadi 0,375 mg/jam pada komposisi 6% Zr. Dari hasil uji untuk sampel yang tidak diberi perlakuan quenching dan yang diberi perlakuan quenching, terlihat bahwa sampel yang mengalami proses quenching mempunyai ketahanan korosi yang lebih baik.

KATA KUNCI: quenching, UZr, laju korosi


The Influence of quenching process ON THE Corrossion RATE of UZr Alloy Fuel. Experiments have been conducted to study the influence of quenching process on the corrosion properties of UZr fuel. Quenching process affects the corrosion properties of UZr alloy, as shown by the change in weight before and after the UZr alloy was corroded and quenched. Initially, alloys with Zr compositions of 2, 6, 10, 14 and 55% were prepared using an electric arc furnace. Some of the UZr alloys from the melting process underwent quenching and others were directly tested for corrosion in water vapor medium at a temperature of 100 oC for 140 h. Corrosion testing was conducted in a heater equipped with a reflux. After the corrosion testing, the UZr alloy samples were weighed to determine the changes in weight due to the quenching process. From the weighing results, almost all UZr alloys that were not quenched showed a lower corrosion rate compared to those that were quenched, except for 2% Zr. For samples that were not quenched, the corrosion rate decreased with the increasing Zr content. For the composition of 2% Zr, the corrosion rate reached a rate of 2.94 mg/h, and increased to 0.206 mg/h at 6% Zr. For samples that underwent quenching, the tendency that occurred was similar, in which the corrosion rate decreased as the Zr content was increased. For the composition of 2% Zr, the corrosion rate was 2.94 mg/h, and went up to 0.375 mg/h at a Zr composition of 6% Zr. From the test results for samples that did not undergo quenching and those that underwent quenching, the former showed better corrosion resistance than the latter

FREE TERMS: quenching, UZr, corrosion rate

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