Dwi Biyantoro, M.V. Purwani .



OPTIMASI PEMISAHAN Zr – Hf DENGAN CARA EKSTRAKSI MEMAKAI SOLVEN TOPO. Telah dilakukan ekstraksi konsentrat zirkonium hasil olah pasir zirkon. Sebagai fasa air digunakan larutan umpan Zr-Hf dalam HCl dan HNO3 dan sebagai ekstraktan atau fasa organik adalah tri-n-oktilfosfina oksida (TOPO) dalam kerosen. Parameter yang diteliti yaitu konsentrasi ekstraktan, konsentrasi asam, konsentrasi umpan dan jenis asam, waktu pengadukan, dan kecepatan pengadukan. Dari hasil penelitian optimasi proses pemisahan Zr dan Hf dari konsentrat zirkonium hasil olah pasir zirkon dengan ekstraktan TOPO diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: konsentrasi ekstraktan TOPO 5% dalam kerosen, konsentrasi umpan 200 g/L dalam media nitrat, umpan suasana HNO31M, dan waktu pengadukan selama 35 menit dengan kecepatan pengadukan 500 rpm. Pada kondisi ini diperoleh faktor pisah (FP) Zr-Hf 4,026, efisiensi ekstraksi Zr 21,83% dan efisiensi ekstraksi Hf 5,49%. Jika memakai media asam klorida diperoleh hasil: konsentrasi ekstraktan TOPO 7% dalam kerosen, konsentrasi umpan 80 g/L dalam media klorida, umpan suasana HCl 4M, dan waktu pengadukan selama 35 menit dengan kecepatan pengadukan 350 rpm. Pada kondisi ini diperoleh faktor pisah (FP) Zr-Hf yaitu 1,739, efisiensi ekstraksi Zr = 23,45% dan efisiensi ekstraksi Hf = 14,97%.

Kata kunci: ekstraksi, TOPO, zirkonium, hafnium.



SEPARATION OPTIMIZATION OF Zr-Hf BY EXTRACTION PROCESS USING TOPO EXTRACTANT. An extraction of concentrated zirconium as a product of zircon sand processing had been conducted. Zirconium-hafnium solution in HCl and HNO3 were used as an aqueous phase or feed solution and tri -n-oktilfosfine oxide (TOPO) in kerosene as an extractant or organic phase. The parameters were extractant concentration, acidity and acid type, feed concentration, stirring time and stirring rate. The research of optimized separation process on Zr and Hf could be concluded as follows: extractant concentration is 5% TOPO in kerosene, feed concentration of 200g/L in nitrate media, with the feed acidity of 1M HNO3, and stirring time is 35 minutes with the stirring rate of 500 rpm. In this condition the separation factor (FP) of Zr-Hf was 4.026, extraction efficiency of Zr was 21.83% and the extraction efficiency of Hf was 5.49%. When hydrochloric was used as media, the results shown are as follows: extractant concentration was 7% TOPO in kerosene, feed concentration is 80 g/L in chloride media, with the feed acidity of 4M HCl, and stirring time was 35 minutes with the stirring rate of 350 rpm. In this condition the separation factor (FP) of  Zr-Hf was 1.739,  extraction efficiency of Zr was 23.45% and the extraction efficiency of Hf was 14.97%.

Keywords: extraction, TOPO, zirconium, hafnium.

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