The Implementation of Importance Measure Approaches for Criticality Analysis in Fault Tree Analysis: A Review

Julwan Hendry Purba, Deswandri Deswandri



THE IMPLEMENTATION OF IMPORTANCE MEASURE APPROACHES FOR CRITICALITY ANALYSIS IN FAULT TREE ANALYSIS: A REVIEW.Fault tree analysis (FTA) has been widely applied in nuclear power plant (NPP) probabilistic safety assessment to evaluate the reliability of a safety system. In FTA, criticality analysis is performed to identify the weakest paths in the system designs and components. For this purpose, an importance measure approach can be applied. Risk managers can apply information obtained from this analysis to improve safety by implementing risk reduction measure into the new design or build a more innovative design. Various importance measure approaches have been developed and proposed for criticality analysis in FTA. Each important measure approach offers specific purposes and advantages but has limitations. Therefore, it is necessary to understand characteristics of each approach in order to select the most appropriate approach to reach the purpose of the study. The objective of this study is to review the current implementations of importance measure approaches to rank individual basic events and/or minimal cut sets regarding their contributions to the unreliability or unavailability of NPP safety systems. This study classified importance measure approaches into two groups, i.e. probability–based importance measure approaches and fuzzy–based importance measure approaches. This study concluded that clear understanding of the purpose of the study, the type of reliability data at hands, and the uncertainty in the calculation need to be considered prior to the selection of the appropriate importance measure approach to the study of interest.


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