Application of N-15 Technique for Quantification of N-Fertilizer and N-Soil Uptake in Difference Maize Varieties.

Nurlina Kasim



A pot study has been carried out, where thetreatments were N-fertilizers (N-F) : F0 = without N-fertilizer (F), F1 = 100% anorganic NF/ urea, F2 = 100% organic N-F, and 50% anorganic + 50% organic N-F and three maize varieties namely, var. Anoman (A), var. Lamuru (L) and var. Sukmaraga (S). An Anova was implemented to observe any difference among the treatments and their interaction (N x F) for each parameter. The parameters applied were, percentage (%) of N-F, N-soil (N-S) and N- total (N-to) the N-F, N-S, N-to uptake (mg N), and dry weight (g S for all three plant parts (stem, leaves, panicles) and the whole plant (stem + leaves + panicles). Data showed that for the percentage (%), total : N uptake, dry weight, the highest values was for F1 compared to F0, F1, F2.. Whenever differents were found in treatment and interaction ( VxF) by the parameters, it shown by the ANOVA that this was mainly due to the F treatment. The data also show that N-S uptake was much higher than the N-F uptake. It was found that although urea/anorganic fertilizer (F1) was found to give the highest values for nearly all the parameters, it used by plant expressed in percentage (%) was quite low, especially shown for
the whole plant.

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Aplikasi isotop dan radiasi di bidang pertanian, kesehatan, pangan, industri, lingkungan dan aplikasi terkait bidang lainnya


Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi (A Scientific Journal for the Applications of Isotopes and Radiation

p-ISSN 1907-0322

e-ISSN 2527-6433

