Zainus Salimin, Gunandjar Gunandjar


PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH SOLVENT ORGANIK DARI PROSES PEMURNIAN ASAM FOSFAT DENGAN METODE OKSIDASI BIOKIMIA. Telah dilakukan percobaan pengolahan limbah “gunk” yang mengandung solven organik dari pemurnian asam fosfat melalui proses oksidasi biokimia. Limbah berupa campuran solven organik Di 2(ethyl hexyl) phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) dan tri octyl phosphine oxide (TOPO) dalam larutan kerosen yang mengandung asam fosfat, dikenai oksidasi biokimia menggunakan bakteri untuk mengkonversi zat organik sehingga tersuspensi, terflokulasi dan terendapkan oleh gaya gravitasi. Limbah yang memiliki kadar awal COD/BOD 26000/1820 ppm dan TSS 1000 ppm dioksidasi biokimia pada suhu kamar dalam reaktor volume 18,6 liter dengan variabel operasi pH 6, 6,5; 7 dan 7,5. Limbah cair ini diproses dengan bio-oksidasi menggunakan bakteri jenis Super Growth Bacteria (SGB) 102 yang merupakan campuran spesies bakteri mutan pseudomonas sp., bacillus sp., arthrobacter sp., dan aeromonas sp. dengan penambahan aerasi dan nutrisi nitrogen dan fosfor. Setelah bakteri menyesuaikan kondisi, sampel larutan diambil 2 jam sekali untuk dianalisa kandungan COD, BOD, dan TSS. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kandungan COD dan BOD mengalami penurunan, selama 22 jam berturut-turut pada pH 6, 6,5; 7 dan 7,5 nilai COD/BOD adalah 765/6; 31/2,48; 3/0,24; 12/0,96. Pengurangan COD/BOD optimum dicapai pada kondisi operasi pH 7, dengan nilai 3/0,24 TREATMENT OF ORGANIC SOLVENT WASTE ARISING FROM PHOSPHORIC ACID PURIFICATION PROCESS BY BIO-OXIDATION METHOD. The experiment of treatment of the gunk waste containing organic solvent waste arising from phosphoric acid purification process by bio-oxidation method was performed. The liquid waste containing organic solvent of di-2-ethyl-hexyl phosphoric acid (D2EHPA), tri-octyl phosphine oxide (TOPO) and phosphoric acid on the kerosene solution was treated by bio-oxidation method using aerobic microorganism for degrading the biodegradable organic component on the solution to be suspended, flocculated, and precipitated by gravitation. The liquid waste contain of COD/BOD 26000/1820 ppm and TSS 1000 ppm was treated by bio-oxidation process on the room temperature in the reactor of 18.6 liter volume with the operation variables are pH 6; 6.5; 7, and 7.5. The liquid waste was processed by bio-oxidation using bacteria of Super Growth Bacteria (SGB) 102 which consist of species mixture of bacteria i.e. bacillus sp., pseudomonas sp., aeromonas sp., and arthrobacter sp. by addition of aeration and nutrition of nitrogen and phosphorus. After the adaptation of bacteria on the solution, the sampling of solution was performed every two hours for analyzing of COD, BOD, and TSS contains. The results showed that the COD/BOD decreasing during period of operation 22 hours, on the pH 6, 6.5, 7, and 7.5 the value of COD/BOD are 75/6, 31/2.48; 3/0.24 and 12/0.96 respectively. The optimum value for decreasing of COD/BOD is achieved on pH 7 with the value of COD/BOD is 3/0.24.

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